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Vinay Arora paced up and down his large furnished office, tensed.

The happenings of the last couple of days had taken a toll on him. He had dark circles. His fingernails were bitten till its flesh and his hair was shabby.

His mind reeled back to the conversation with that man.

"Mr.Arora I am sorry to hear that your brother was killed."

"Thanks for your condolence sir"

"But I am afraid that it might be work of an opposite party."

"I assure you that it will not be a problem."

"I am sorry Mr.Arora. But this is too dangerous for my reputation. I cannot continue this anymore."

The line went dead.

Vinay paced in a faster manner.

"Vikram," he called out loudly.

A moment later a man in his late thirties entered the room.

"Vikram, keep a close eye on that detective Ayesha Zaid. If it seems like she finds out anything inform me immediately," Vinay said.

"Yes sir," said Vikram with a curt nod. He then turned and left the room.

Vinay continued his pacing. A little relieved. A threat is now dismissed.

Now for the other problem. The killer.

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