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Ayesha was in her foul mood.

"Three days," she grumbled "And we still don't have any lead." 

"We're really trying Ayesha," Harish said in an equally tensed manner. "The bloody killer has covered up his tracks too well. The only clue, the photograph, had led us to a dead end. Now there's nothing to do other than to wait for a clue to pop up magically."

"Hmph" Ayesha grumbled again. "This is the case I've been waiting for. I have to get a pay raise now otherwise I'm done. The month's bills are really a dizzying amount. I will get a raise only if I find the killer."

Harish glanced at her sympathetically. Ayesha had never been this desperate for money before. Her life was smooth. She is the best detective in their company. It was all because of the false case of accepting bribe. That incident broke her down completely. Then she met a great downfall as people were afraid of having a supposed criminal to handle their case. 

Harish was always interested in her. From the time she had helped him overcome his problems. He wanted to asked her out. Who wouldn't want to? He tginks to himself. She is one fascinating woman. That strong stature she maintains. How she veils her emotions carefully. And those eyes. Oh my God those eyes! At times he caught himself staring at her. She does have a magnetic effect on him   But didn't get the courage to do so. Though they were closer to each other than before, there has always been a distance and he did not dare push it. 

"We should contact  Vinay Arora," said Ayesha waking him from his reverie.

"Who?" Harish asked completely startled.

"Vinay, Aaditya's brother" she said a little annoyed.  "He is his only family member. We need to know everything about him. That would really help." she said nodding to herself.

"Yeah. You're right," He said staring at an empty space.

These words was followed by a long awkward silence. At last Harish got up. "Well, I will arrange for the meeting as soon as possible," He said.

Ayesha nodded. She was having a faraway look in her eyes.

 Harish left the room. Immediately Ayesha got up and took the photograph of the girl from her desk and eyed it suspiciously. Then sighed and dropped the photo in it's place and left the room.

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