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"So our killer strikes again," Harish stated the obvious as he and Ayesha arrived at the crime scene.

"Yes. And the police who called me told us to brace ourselves for a gruesome scene.

"Well I've got a strong stomach," Harish said. But the moment they entered the the room where the murder took place he made a retching noise and covered his nose.

"Oh my God!" Ayesha exclaimed also covering her nose.

They moved through the large room. The house's extravagance contradicted the smell. Especially the master bedroom was well furnished.

On the far side of the room lay the body.

"Oh shit" Harish half shouted.

"Yeah," Ayesha mumbled looking down at the sight and thinking of the warning of that police as an underestimation.

The body was the most gruesome thing she had ever seen. It lay down on the carpet which was soaked with dried blood. It lay in an unnatural angle with face twisted and hands and legs sprawled in different
Direction. The clothes were torn. His skin too had many marks like he had been beaten brutally with a stick or something like that. The same photograph was there on the wall.

"He must have been dead for at least 3 days" Harish said. "Poor guy is half rotten".

"Ugh" Ayesha turned and walked away from the room. Harish followed. "I did not think our murderer will do anything this brutal. I mean the previous murders weren't like this."

"Yeah," Harish said nodding. "This guy must've annoyed our friend so much."

Ayesha slapped her hands on her forehead. "This is getting out of hand."

"Are you okay?" Harish asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay," Ayesha said turning towards the room. "Let's just collect all the details.

They walked back into the room. This time they became immune to the appalling smell.

They went to the policeman who informed them about the murder who stood there talking to some other person.

"Mr. Gupta," Ayesha said touching his shoulder.

"Uh. Hi Ayesha." He had known her for a long time.

They asked all the details of this murder. Harish noted down all the details and they left.

On the cab Harish took out the notes and they were reading through it.

"Arjun Grover. Age 32. A businessman. You know that," He said shrugging.

"Hmmm,"Ayesha mumbled. But Harish noticed she was preoccupied.

"Are you okay? You  seem very disturbed," He asked.

"Oh nothing. Just three murders. No big deal," she said irritated.

He opened his mouth then closed it not knowing what to say. Best not to say anything to her when she gets irritated.

They asked to be dropped at Ayesha's house.

She said she was tired and went to sleep. He just sat on the couch staring blankly at the wall.

She was right. This is getting out of hand.

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