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Ayesha was again paranoid. She moved up and down her room shouting and waving her arm as Harish watched helplessly.

"He refused to see me. Why would he do that? Does he not want to have this case solved or what?" She stopped in front of her desk. " Just when I thought I had a real lead."

"Hey wait what do you mean?"Harish asked suddenly interested. "Do you know anything I don't?"

"Just a small guesswork," She said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well I have a small intuition that the photo is in no way connected to the killer," She said starting to pace again in a more tensed manner. "I mean it can't be that simple. Not even the dumbest man in the world will kill a man and just leave a clue like this"
Again Harish mind wandered. Of Ayesha's past problems. Her present state.

"I don't know Ayesha," He said slowly. "You look like you haven't slept for weeks. Go take rest."

She saw him strangely.

"Harish I am in no state for having a good rest. You are right I can't sleep properly at all. This case is driving me crazy."

"Hey just relax. I have never seen a case which has this much impact on you. Your stress is biting you up. You better rest now. Okay. I'll handle it," He said trying to sound as reassuring as possible.

She smiled at him. She was obviously very much tired.

"Yeah. You are right. I'll see you tomorrow."

With that she went.

Harish stayed for a minute staring at the door. Then he sighed and went out too.

It was going to be a long day.

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