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Ayesha was in her cabin. She thoughtfully leaned back in her chair gazing at the ceiling.

There was a knock on the door. " Come in," she said.

The door opened and Harish entered.

"Found details about the girl in the photograph," he said as he sat on the chair opposite to her.

Ayesha leaned forward excited.

"Name Anita. Age supposed to be 29 now. Went missing 3 years ago."

"Oh," she said. "Any more details about her" 

"Her house is in a small village in Orissa. Only child. Father died when she was 5 years old. We spoke to her mother. She came to Delhi in search of job, the same year she went missing," He said.

"Do you know anything more about her disappearance?" She asked.

"We contacted her roommate who used to share a room in a girl's hostel. She said that on the day of the disappearance she was going out in search of a job. When Anita did not return that night she contacted the police. There were a series of investigation but they couldn't find anything. Nobody saw her since that day. So the case was closed without any leads."

"Okay," she said deeply in thoughts.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"I think that the girl in the photograph ,Anita, could be the killer. Or she could be the cause of the murder," she said looking at him.

He nodded thoughtfully. "Ok the autopsy report must have come. I will collect it."

He then got up and walked out of the room. Ayesha then continued staring at the ceiling.

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