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Harish was in his home. He was dozing with the reports in his laps.

He woke up with a jerk as his phone rang.

He reached out for it.

"Hello," he said groggily rubbing his eyes.

"Hello," said a meek scared voice of a girl on the other side."Is this the detective Harish, The man handling that murder case of some business man?" she said her english so bad that it was hard to understand. Good thing Harish dealt with these kinds of people often.

"Yes," he said. He knew where she got his private number. It was in the agency's website.

"Is it true that you will give money for any information?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered already taking up a pen and paper to write down anything.

"Good," she said. "I'm Veena. I want to give you information. Not just for the money. I just want to help out," she said nervously.

"Any information you give is valuable to us," he said in a calming voice. He already placed in the category of people who would do anything moral for money but don't want to seem needy.

"There was a photo of a girl in every murder scene right? She was my friend," she said her voice almost breaking with nervousness.

"Are you sure?" Harish asked.

"Yes I'm sure. I had known her since she came here," she said her voice raising angrily.

"Okay. So you have any information about her?" He asked.

"It's just that," he heard her sigh."She loved a man. He was rich. A business man like those who were killed." she said the words rumbling out so fast that he had to pause to understand what she said.

"Then she went missing. Then he was unseen. I know his company was closed".

Harish was noting it all down. "But her roommate didn't mention any of it," he said.

"She wouldn't know. Anita was never close with her. Always said she was an idiot," she said at last gaining confidence.

"Okay okay" he said noting it down too. "Do you know his name, the lover's name and his business?" He asked.

"His name is John. I don't know anything else about him even his last name. I've never met him," she said.

"Thank you so much," Harish said.

"The money.."she asked hesitantly.

"You can collect it from the office anytime tomorrow. I'll inform them. Thanks."

"Well. Anything for my friend. Hope she isn't dead," she said relieved.

He thanked her again and hung up.

He sighed and smiled to himself. Ayesha is going to thrilled.

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