My heart will go on

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Adam's: POV

This is the first time I write a real-based story about Adam and it is my new theme. I hope you will like this book.


The 14th of April year 1912 Titanic

"Come here!" said Lily and lifted up her little brother in her arms. Max giggled and smiled happily. "We will get a better life in New York." replied Leila and drank from her tea. "I hope you're right." I said with a sigh. We had lived in England because I had been married to a man named John and it was my biggest mistake, he had been cheated and lied.

We went back to our rooms after a while. "Papa, I'm scared." said Max worried and hugged his teddy bear. "Nothing will happen." I replied calmly and platted his cheek. "We'll always be together?" he asked. "Yes!" I said. Max nodded and fell asleep.

I wake up in the middle of the night by a deafening sound that came from the hull. After a few minutes came a crew member in. He gave us life jackets and asked us to come up on deck. We put on warm clothes and mom took some blankets. But when we were halfway up on the stairs Max began to cry.

"He needs Teddy!" said Lily and went down again. "You have no time to lose." said the man strictly. I looked worried after my daugther but followed them up. I heard some say that Titanic had colliding with a iceberg and began to leak in water. But this was the most unsinkable ship, or was it just a lie?

"Women and children first!" said a man. "I love you and Max very much, and I will always do." I replied and gave them a hug. "I'll never forget you!" said Leila motherly.

I lifted over my three year old son to my mother and she looked sadly at me. "Me and Lily will come after you in the next boat." I said. "Be careful!" replied Leila. I nodded and ran back in again to find my daughter. Several halls were filled with water and people ran in panic. I ran down to the third class and found her in our room. She held Teddy in her arms and tears ran down her cheeks. "He's safe with grandma!" I said but I couldn't hold back my tears.

We hurried up on deck again. But all lifeboats was overcrowded and I refused go anywhere without her. "If this is our last moment together, we shall die together." I said. I took her hand and we jumped into the freezing water. It felt like walking on a thousand knives and it is impossible to describe the pain.

We lay down ourselves on a door and I pulled her chilled body next to me in an attempt to make her warm. We would never see Max grow up and see him start school. I had broke his promise. Everywhere I could hear people scream for help. After two hours Titanic sank down to her grave on the seabed and everything became quiet.

"I love you dad!" said Lily. She closed her eyes to never woke up again. "Love you too." I replied and took my last breath.

I cried so much when I wrote this chapter because so many lives were lost when Titanic sank and families who were separated from each other. I hope you liked this first chapter.


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