Chapter 63

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Kevin's POV

Vanessa was six months pregnant in three months our twins would be here I was excited to be a dad I was just a little worried about our show in Vegas. I didn't think it was a good time for Ness to travel being only three months away from her due date I know that we wouldn't be in Vegas long it was only for a week but that didn't ease my mind much, her plan was to hang out with Mallory most of the time so she wouldn't be in the way. I knew nothing could happen to her if she was with Mal Zak lived in a safe neighborhood away from people plus Mal had her Rottweiler Athena they would be in good hands if Zak wasn't on a lockdown or anything I sigh I guess that could be a good plan I walk over and get in bed next to Vanessa. I lay there for a while and watch her sleep then kiss her head and start running my fingers through her hair I yawn then a few minutes later I fall asleep.

Zak's POV

I walk in the house and hear splashing out by the pool I walk out and see Mallory sitting by the pool watching Gracie and Athena play in the water. I walk over and sit down in the chair next to her she looks over at me and smiles "Hey Zak." "Hey Sweetie how are you?" She takes a deep breath then puts her hand on her small bump "I'm good." I reach over and put my hand on top of hers she was a little over four months now I feel her fingers start twisting my wedding ring around my finger "I've been thinking about a name for the baby Zakula." We haven't talked about names yet so I was curious to see what she came up with knowing the two of us our baby would probably have a very unique name. I look up at her "What's on your mind?" She starts biting her lip then she looks up at me "I was thinking about Alexander Gabriel Bagans." It was a boy's name did she know we were having a boy already? I look at her "Is it a boy?" She shrugs "I have a good feeling that it is." Our son would be named after me something I didn't have a problem with. "I love his name." She kisses me and wraps her arms around my neck she was confident so hopefully she was right about us having a boy.

Aaron's POV

We all look up as Zak walks in the office he starts talking about our next lockdown after he lays his phone on the table. We were going back to Arizona to return to Tombstone we discuss the places we will be and how long we would be there Ash looks up at Zak. "Is Mal not going with us?" Zak stops talking then he takes a deep breath and rungs his hands through his hair. "From now on if Mal does with us on lockdowns she will be staying at the hotel, I'm not even letting her stay at the nerve center anymore." Everyone looks at each other but I don't say anything if Zak wanted them to know more it was up to them. Ash looks back at Zak "Why can't she come anymore?" Zak starts twisting his wedding around his finger nervously "She won't be with us on lockdowns because she's a little over four months pregnant." It's silent for a minute then Jay and Billy get up and congratulate him Ashley hugs Zak then we all stand there and talk. Zak was really about their baby I knew he would be a great dad and I couldn't wait to meet their baby.

Mallory's POV

I yawn then wake up and walk in the living room Zak is sitting on the couch I walk over and sit down then lay my head on his shoulder. Zak kisses my head then reaches over and holds my hand "I told the crew about the baby." I smile then kiss the side of his neck "I'm not mad I'm happy you told them how did they take it?" Zak smiles then lays back on the couch "They took it great they were all really happy for us especially Ash she can't wait to buy gifts for the baby she even mentioned something about your baby shower." I knew the crew was like family to Zak I was glad they were happy for the two of us because I knew the baby would be around the crew a lot. Zak pulls me down on the couch and his hands go under my shirt to my stomach this had become a hobby of his since I told him about the baby I knew he would be a good dad I was just a little sad because I knew when Alexander was born I would be staying home and not getting to go on lockdowns anymore in the end though I knew it would be worth it.

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