Chapter 49

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Zak's POV

We had been looking for the perfect ring for hours and so far I hadn't found anything I sigh then sit down on a bench and run my hands through my hair so much for asking her to marry me I couldn't find a ring maybe this was a sign. Aaron sits down next to me "Don't give up yet bro you'll find a ring." We all sit there for a while until Jay breaks the silence "What about that one?" I look up and see a black ring in the window of the jewelry store a few feet from me the ring was perfect she loved the color black as much if not more than I did plus she wasn't much for traditional things I get up off the bench and the guys follow me into the store once the I walk in I ask to see the ring and a few minutes later the ring is in my hand. I look at it then Nick looks down at the ring "It's perfect bro Mal will love the ring I think it really suits her." The guys all take turns looking at the ring and give me their opinion I look at the ring then decide it was the right ring for her I buy it then stick it in the box in my pocket now I just had to decide on how I wanted to ask her then the guys and I leave the store.

Vanessa's POV

I stop taking pictures then walk away from the guys and look down at my phone Zak was calling me this was the first time he had called me I talked to Mallory a lot but Zak and I weren't on those terms sure we were friends but not enough to talk every week. I take a deep breath then answer "Hey Zak what's up?" "Not a lot I'm glad you answered there's something I want to talk to you about." I start to get nervous because I was afraid of what Zak wanted all I could think was please don't hurt Mallory she really cares about you. "Is Mallory okay?" "Yeah she's fine but I know that you are her best friend she thinks of you as family so I want to ask for your permission to marry her I know I have to ask her dad but I want to ask you too." I couldn't believe this before I met Kevin when Mallory and I would watch Ghost Adventures she always said she wanted to marry Zak and now she was going to get that I was really happy for her and couldn't wait to see them at their wedding. "You have my permission Zak of course you can marry my best friend." "Thanks Vanessa if she says yes I'm sure you will hear about it." We talk then hang up my best friend was going to marry the guy she loved we both got what we wanted.

Mallory's POV

I hear the door open and close then I look away from Jurassic Park when Zak walks in the room he walks over sits down then kicks off his shoes lays on top of me and wraps his arms around me I turn off the TV and wrap my arms around his then we just lay on the couch for a while. He makes a noise then moves his head to my shoulder I smile and run my fingers through his hair I knew that he fixed it this morning but I couldn't keep myself from playing with his soft dark hair "How was your day?" He kisses the side of my neck "Good I got a lot done today what about you?" I try to shrug but with Zak on top of me that wasn't easy. "Good went out with Gracie and Athena for a while they needed to burn off energy especially Athena." Zak nods and we lay there his breathing changes and I can tell that he fell asleep I let out a yawn then tangle my legs with his and find a way to lay my head against his shoulder it was silent except for the sounds of Gracie and Athena moving around everything was peaceful I sigh and a few minutes later I fall asleep too.

Kevin's POV

Vanessa reaches over and holds my hand I smile and keep driving down the road "We will be going to a wedding soon." I was a little surprised I couldn't think of anyone getting married and I didn't know anyone who was engaged. "Really who?" She looks at me "Zak called." When she tells me that I get nervous I wasn't sure what he wanted but I remember when he had feelings for her then there was the time he kissed her before we got married so I wasn't happy with him calling her "What did he want?" "He's going to propose to Mallory." That was great new Zak wouldn't be a problem anymore plus I was happy for both of them then I start thinking about something else I think about AJ this was going to kill him but I knew that sooner or later he would find out about Mallory being engaged he still loved her and I just hoped I wouldn't be the one to tell him about their engagement. "That's great I can't wait to see their wedding." Ness smiles again "I'm happy for them they are good for each other it's going to be a great wedding and with the two of them it will be a unique wedding." She was right about that with Mallory and Zak who knows what kind of wedding they would have but I knew that Ness and I would be there just like they were there for us.

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