Chapter 24

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Mallory's POV
A few days later I get dressed in a Ghost Adventures shirt and a pair of black shorts then slide on a pair of black flip flops I was nervous I had gotten a message on Twitter from Nick Groff asking me to meet up with him here in Vegas at a Starbucks. I walk in the kitchen feed Athena and Gracie Zak was meeting with the crew this morning so I had some free time I grab my phone and keys then walk outside get in my car then leave Zak wouldn't talk about why Nick had left the show and now for some reason Nick wanted me to meet up with him and all I could think is why. I get to Starbucks take a deep breath then walk inside order a tea then sit down and wait I slowly twirl my cup around I look up when the door opens and see Nick Groff walking toward me this was it now to finally find out what he wanted he walks over and sits down in front of me he smiles "Hi I'm Nick." He was being friendly which was a good thing "I'm Mallory." He nods "So let's talk shall we?" I take a deep breath this was it here goes nothing.

" He nods "So let's talk shall we?" I take a deep breath this was it here goes nothing

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Nick G'S POVI see her take a deep breath so I go first and get the conversation started I look at her "So you and Zak are dating?" She nods "Yes we are he actually asked me to be his girlfriend before I moved to Vegas with him

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Nick G'S POV
I see her take a deep breath so I go first and get the conversation started I look at her "So you and Zak are dating?" She nods "Yes we are he actually asked me to be his girlfriend before I moved to Vegas with him." I nod "How did you and Zak meet?" "We were helping my friend Vanessa with something." Well that was surprising he was with Vanessa's best friend after dating Vanessa but I saw the picture of Zak with Mallory on Twitter and Zak looked happy which was a good thing. "So how long have you and Zak been together?" "It will be nine months in a few weeks." I nod my head "Do you like him?" She looks me in the eye "I love Zak very much." I was starting to see why Zak liked her she wasn't as soft spoken and quiet as she looked she glances at her phone then back at me "Why did you want to meet me it can't be because I'm Zak's girlfriend?" "Well that is part of why I wanted to meet you the other is I thought we could be friends but I don't think you should tell Zak I don't think he will be okay with that idea." She starts biting her lip then looks at me "We can be friends but if you're trying something I'm not afraid of you I've yelled at the Backstreet Boys I will do the same to you." I laugh now I really know why Zak liked her "I just want to be friends,"

Zak's POV
I look up from playing with Gracie and Athena when Mallory walks in the house she walks over to me and I see the Starbucks cup in her hand I know where she had been I couldn't blame her for going out every so often while I was meeting the crew. I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck "So where are we heading in a few weeks?" I wanted it to be a surprise on where we are going so I wasn't going to tell her I kiss her head then run my hands up and down her back "I can't tell you it's a surprise." She rolls her eyes and sighs "Okay I'll take being surprised I missed you today." I look down at her "I missed you too sweetie." She kisses me and I kiss back her hands go under my shirt I pull off my shirt then toss it in the floor I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist I walk to my room lay her on the bed and get on top of her then she pulls off her shirt and I start kissing down her neck. She grabs my hair and pulls me down for a kiss I kiss back and she bites my lip I moan then quickly pull off her shorts she unbuttons and unzips my pants and I pull them off then throw them in the floor by the bed.

Nick C's POV
I hear a noise from outside I open the door and see AJ standing there "Hey AJ what's up?" He looks at me "Hey kid how's it going?" I roll my eyes I'm glad he was back from Vegas but come on I mean I wasn't a kid anymore "Fine come on in." AJ walks in the house behind me then sits down on the couch I sit in a chair across from him "So how was Vegas?" He sighs then looks at me "Vegas is great we could perform there sometime I ran into Vanessa's friend Mallory we actually ended up dating for almost a month." I didn't know what to say I couldn't believe it "You dated Vanessa's best friend?" AJ nods "Yeah it was great I really fell for her." I wasn't going to say anything about this because I knew Vanessa would be pissed when she found out about this. AJ looks at me "I have an idea for a song Nick and I want to tell you about it." I nod my head "Sure lay it on me." AJ starts telling me about this song idea and he lets me read the lyrics he has so far we keep coming up with more lyrics for the song and we end up working on it all night by the time the sun starts rising we have finished the song all we had to do now was show it to the rest of the guys and see what they thought. But based on the lyrics AJ came up with I knew why he wrote this song and that's because without Mallory he was incomplete.

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