Chapter 18

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Aaron's POV

We were ready to get some of Zak to do the opening shot of the new episode I walk over and I can't find him anywhere I keep walking over the property and find him sitting under a tree with his face buried in her book I sigh then walk over to him "Zak we're ready for you." He doesn't say anything he just keeps reading I take the book from him and the animal in Zak snaps. "Give me her book Aaron." I step back with her book in my hand "I don't know why you're so depressed you're the one who messed up!!! Not her and I haven't seen you try to call her either so get it together and let's start filming!!!" Zak launches himself at me and I fall back on the ground then he starts punching me "You don't know how I feel!!! You don't know how much I love her!!!" I roll over then start fighting back "If you love her so much tell her you idiot!!" Billy and Jay walk up Jay pulls me off Zak and Billy pulls Zak up Zak jerks away from Billy grabs the book off the ground then walks away with his phone in his hand if he loved her the way he said he did he needed to call Mal and try to fix things with her.


I look up when Mallory comes in and sits down in front of me we had been doing really well she would get out of bed, she was eating and she was actually smiling a lot now. "Hey baby what's up?" I knew we weren't a couple but I always called her that so I didn't see the reason in stopping now she takes a deep breath then looks at me "I was wanting to talk to you about something." This worried me I didn't know what she was thinking and I was afraid she was fixing to tell me she was going to go back to Zak and try to fix things with him. I take a deep breath "Sure what's up?" "Well I've been thinking about this a lot and things are great between the two of us you are my second best friend after Ness and you and I have been sleeping together so I was wondering if we could go out?" I was shocked I couldn't believe it she wanted to stay and she wanted to give me a shot then I remember she asked a question I nod my head "I'd like that Mal." She gets up and walks over then gets in my lap and wraps her arms around my neck I kiss her and she kisses back she pulls away and I pull off her shirt then throw it in the floor she pulls off my shirt then kisses me again. We continue on the couch this was one thing we were good at together.

Zak's POV

I drop my bags in the floor throw my stuff on the counter and walk through my empty house I would have to call my mom and let her know I was back and able to pick up Gracie I sigh and sit on the couch then run my hands through my hair. I really missed Mallory I needed to call her but I was the one who was wrong I should have never said the things I did and I was wrong about Vanessa she didn't understand me and she was in a relationship with Kevin that's why she picked Kevin over me in the first place I reach over grab my backpack and pull out Mallory's copy of Pride and Prejudice then continue reading. I read a few chapters then put the book down on the table pull out my phone and look at all of the pictures I have of us together I go to my messages and start reading our old ones and in that moment I make up mind sitting around being upset and reading her book all the time wouldn't get us back together I was going to do everything I possibly can to get her back. She was mine and I loved her very much she changed me and I wanted to be that person I wanted her in my life and I could see her as a part of my future I had to go get her with a renewed energy I get off the couch grab my keys then walk out of the house.

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