Chapter 25

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Vanessa's POV

Our honeymoon ended in one week and I was a little sad that my alone time with Kevin was coming to an end I wasn't ready to go back to reality yet I wanted to stay in our tiny bubble. I look as Kevin walks over and sits down next to me he reaches over and holds my hand I lean over and lay my head on his shoulder he kisses my head I close my eyes and let out a sigh then Kevin breaks the silence between us. "I know you've been missing Mal a lot so instead of us going home when our honeymoon ends next week I've booked us a flight to Vegas so you can see her." I hug him and wrap my arms around his neck I haven't seen my best friend in a month and I really did miss her I couldn't wait to see her again "I love you Kev thank you so much." He smiles then wraps his arms around me "You're welcome." I kiss him then pull on his hair he kisses back and pulls me in his lap. Life with Kevin as a married couple was going great I couldn't be any happier and we had only been married for a few months but getting to see Mal again would complete everything.

Zak's POV

I was getting some more details worked out with our next lockdown since I had a special something planned for Mallory I just hadn't told her about it yet. I walk in the house no sign of Mallory, Gracie or Athena anywhere I walk in the bedroom and see Mal curled up on the bed with Gracie at the foot and Athena in her arms laying against her chest I empty my pockets then walk over and get in the bed. When I lay next to her Mal rolls over to face me and starts tugging on my shirt I pull it off and she lays her head against my shoulder then curls up next to me I knew what was wrong with her the next week was going to be rough she was on her period I wasn't worried or grossed out by it at least she got it before we left to go on the lockdown but I figured that now wasn't a good time to say anything. I wrap my arms around her and a few minutes later she goes back to sleep the reason I hadn't told her about our next location was because it was close to her hometown we would be two hours away from where she was from and I wanted to see it and know more about her. A few minutes later I fall asleep.

Mallory's POV

The next week was a mix of chocolate, ice cream, Mountain Dew and whole lot of napping but it didn't bother Zak at all if I wanted or needed something he would go get it for me I thought it was sweet but we were both happy when my monthly visitor left. I walk in the bedroom and see Zak stretched out on the bed texting I walk over and sit down on the bed next to him he puts his phone down then wraps his arms around me "How are you feeling?" I run my fingers through his hair "I'm good to go how are you?" He looks up at me "Getting some details worked out for the next lockdown." I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck he kisses back and reaches for my shirt I grab his hand and he lets out a frustrated sigh "What's on your mind sweetie?" "Since you won't tell me where our next lockdown is can you at least tell me what kind of clothes to take with me?" A smirk appears on his face "If I tell you can we continue this without clothes?" I smile and nod "Yes." "Great shirts, shorts, maybe some jeans, and one nice dress let's continue this." I roll my eyes but I wanted it just as much as Zak.


I had been back home for a few days because I thought that leaving Vegas would help me but I was wrong I missed Mallory a lot I had fallen for her hard it wasn't my intention but I did. I wanted to call her and talk to her but I knew that wouldn't enough I really wanted to go back to Vegas so I could be with her again she had stayed with me and we had been sleeping together so she had to have felt something for me too right? I let out a sigh lay on the couch then look up at the ceiling she might have felt something for me but it wasn't enough she still loved the ghostbuster even after he hurt her I let out another sigh sooner or later I would have to face the fact that she wasn't mine. I felt different now like there were empty spaces inside me and I knew that without her I was going to be incomplete for a very long time.

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