Chapter 21

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Zak's POV
Our next lockdown was in three weeks I didn't want to leave Mal again while we apart was hard on both of us I had an idea but I would need to talk to the rest of the crew first before I could ask her I look over at Mal sleeping on the couch with Athena up against her chest and Gracie sleeping on her legs all three of my girls were tired. Now would be a good time to get the crew together at the office so I can get everyone's opinion on Mallory coming with us on the next lockdown I know she wasn't part of the crew but I really wanted her with me I write Mal a note grab my phone and keys then walk out of the house get in my car and leave I hoped they didn't mind and I think that they would all be okay with it. A little while later I walk in and see everyone sitting down they all look up at me I considered them my closest friends so I shouldn't be nervous about asking them this I look at all of them and start talking. "Mallory and I have just got back together I really don't want to leave her again and I want to know what all of you think about her coming with us on our next lockdown." Ash answers first "Of course she can come I haven't got to see her in forever." "Thanks Ash." The next one to answer is Jay "Sure she can come." Next I look at Billy who has a huge smile on his face and something tells me he knew this would happen sooner or later "Sure bro she can come I'd like to finally meet her." Finally, I look at Aaron I wasn't sure on how he would take this because he hasn't always been the biggest fan of mine and Mallory's relationship "What do you think bro?" He nods "Of course Mal can come she won't cause any problems and who knows she might be able to help us out somehow." I thank all of them then tell them to enjoy their time off then I leave and head home now all I have to do is see what Mal thinks hopefully she would say yes.

Mallory's POV
I look up when Zak walks in he smiles and I smile back then walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist he looks down at me and kisses me I kiss back and wrap then move my arms from around his waist to his neck. Zak pulls me closer then wraps his arms around my waist and he pulls away before I want him to he looks down at me "Come sit with me I want to talk to you about something." I start to get worried because I'm afraid he might have bad news I take a deep breath then walk over and sit down on the couch Zak walks over and sits down next to me and I start biting my lip before he even says what he has to say. He looks over at me "I know you and I have just gotten back together and I don't want to leave you again the time we were apart was torture for me I've already talked to the crew and they have all said yes so I was wanting to know if you would like to go with us on our next lockdown?" I couldn't believe he was asking me this I was stunned but I did want to be with Zak so I knew what my answer was I look at him and smile "I'd love to be locked down with you." He smiles and pulls me in his lap and kisses me I was really excited I was going on a lockdown with Zak.
Aaron's POV
Hopefully now that she had come back Zak would be in a lot better mood now that they were together again I was going to try harder to be Mallory's friend this time. I wasn't lying to Zak when I told him I didn't think she would be a problem plus I really thought she could end up helping us I wasn't talking about making her an assistant or something or her running all over the place just to grab a bottle of water but who knows what she could come up with. Zak was my best friend so if she was what made him happy I needed to support him and the decisions he made since Mallory was going to coming with us I was going to be a different person since we would be spending more time together Zak thought this was a good idea so I was going to go along with this. I think about the show and all of the crew Me, Bill, Jay, Ash, Zak and now Mallory as a possible addition if things worked out then I think about the one person who's not here I start thinking about Nick I wonder how he would feel about Zak dating Mallory. I wondered if her and Nick would get along with her and if they would be best friends It was times like this I wished Nick was still here.

Billy's POV
Zak had called asking for my help on operation help him find something for Mallory to do on lockdowns but keep her from wanting to investigate I didn't know what to come up with so I told him I would think about it to buy myself some time. She could help Jay and I out at base camp, she could do research there were a lot of things she could do if she wanted to sit with me and Jay all night we wouldn't have a problem with it but there was clearly one thing that Zak hadn't thought about or he was ignoring it if Mallory wanted help them during a lockdown he really couldn't stop her. I had seen them together so I knew a few things one was Zak loved her and he was wrapped around her finger, second she was a stubborn strong willed person and if she wanted to do something nothing was going to stop her, third Zak was a foot taller had a lot more muscle than she did but she wasn't scared of him and it didn't stop her from going head to head with him but they did make a really good couple.

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