Chapter 43

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Zak's POV

I wake up feeling warmer than usual and it's not because Mallory is curled up against me I sit up and my head starts pounding then I start coughing then from the other side of the bed I hear Mal sneeze then she coughs a few times too. She rolls over and looks at me "Zak?" Her voice is hoarse I reach over and put my hand on the side of her face and she's warm she sits up and starts coughing again I change and put on a clean shirt and a pair of sweats then go in the living room a few minutes later Mal follows in a different pair of pajamas. She grabs a blanket and pulls it over her I cough again and find my phone "I'm going to call Aaron." She nods "Tell him to bring a lot of cold meds." I wouldn't be taking them but something told me that she definitely would be.

Aaron's POV

Zak called telling me that him and Mal were sick and that Mal was asking for cold meds I leave the house and go to the store and stand in front of the different types of cold meds. My eyes scan the shelf so I grab the basics a bottle of throat spray, a box of Benadryl, and a box of Nyquil I knew Zak so I would have to go somewhere else for him I leave the store with Mal's cold meds and a few things I knew Zak would take then I head to a health store. After I get the meds I go to Zak's house and knock when no one answers I walk in the house then go to the living room and find the two of them sleeping on the couch I put the bag on the table then let Gracie and Athena go outside while I fill up their bowls a little while later the dogs come back inside I shut the door and leave Zak a note telling him I was here then I leave the house. The two of them were already sick I didn't see the point in me sticking around so they could get me sick too the whole crew didn't need to get sick so the two love birds could be sick together and even take care of each other like a really good couple should.

Mallory's POV

With Zak and I both having a cold it ends up being a really long week I take my cold meds, drink plenty of liquids most that I don't enjoy and I sleep a lot but the cold stays Zak does his natural, healthy organic thing and he starts getting better before I do. Zak is up and moving around in three days but I stay in bed or curled up on the couch with Gracie and Athena both of them seem to think their love will cure me but they are good company to have while Zak goes to the office to discuss possible locations for the next lockdown. By the end of the week I'm feeling a lot better no cough or stuffy nose I walk in the bedroom and change clothes grab my phone and keys then get in my car and decide to get out of the house for a while after being in the house for the biggest part of the week now I just needed to decide on what I was going to do first. I could go shopping or head to the bookstore I glance at the clock and see it's almost lunch time I could go meet Zak and see if he wanted to go out for a bit and that sounded like the best option to me I start the car and go to the office to meet with Zak.

Ashley's POV

We all sit and listen to Zak come up with ideas for possible locations and new ideas for the next few episodes of Ghost Adventures I elbow Jay in the side when I see him start dozing off then I look across the table at Billy who has completely zoned out and isn't catching anything that Zak is saying. I let out a sigh and look at him "Zak?" He looks at me "Yeah Ash?" "You're wanting do something new right?" He nods this was it I could run with my idea and tell him "I think you should let Mallory come with us on the next lockdown she already comes with us most of the time anyway and when she does she helps out and does whatever she's asked to." Billy sits up in his seat. "I agree with Ash Mal helps wherever you put her when we do a job plus I really think she's tough enough to handle it." Zak stands up and starts shaking his head "No I don't want to expose her to that anything could happen to her she's already been scratched at home." I take a deep breath and sigh "It may not be what you want but it could be what she wants I really think you should ask her about it first." He nods "We will talk about locations later I'll talk to her and see what happens." Zak walks out of the building leaving us in the conference room.

Zak's POV

I walk outside and as I'm walking to my car I bump into someone I look up and see Mallory standing in front of me I wrap my arms around her waist and look down at her. "Mal what are you doing here?" She looks at me and wraps her arms around my neck "I thought I would come see you is everything okay?" I could tell he now or wait until we got home later I sigh then take a deep breath "We were discussing some new ideas for the season and Ash has an idea that involves you and Billy agreed with her." She looks up at me and tilts her head to the side "Is everything okay?" "They think it would be a good idea if you went on a lockdown with us I'm not going to tell you that you can't because I'm your boyfriend." I take both of her hands in mine and look into her green eyes. "Mallory will you go on a lockdown with me?" She smiles and wraps her arms around my waist "I'd love to." She kisses me and I kiss back then I pull her close to me and we pull away "I'm not going to let anything happen to you I promise." She nods "I know." We were going to be doing one more thing together I had invited guests on the show before but no one that I had been in a relationship with and I would be right there with her to keep her safe.

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