Chapter 56

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Mallory's POV

Ellen, Zak's sister and Vanessa had their dresses for their wedding but I still haven't gotten mine my dress wasn't coming from a traditional store my dress was different. It was fashioned like an older ball gown and by older I mean before the 1900s it was long and the sleeves were too but I loved the dress it was black and red with black flowers stitched onto the red. Once the dress was on I walk out where they could see it I look in the mirror and I knew this dress was perfect for the wedding Zak and I were planning I turn around and look at Vanessa and Ellen then I start biting my lip. Vanessa hugs me "You look amazing the dress is perfect for your wedding Mal." Ellen walks over "You look beautiful Zak told me about your wedding and he is going to love that dress." I take a deep breath then let out a sigh of relief I finally had my dress everyone else wanted the perfect white princess dress but not me I knew there wasn't anyone who would have this dress so I was happy. Zak and I were going to have a perfect wedding and I couldn't wait for the day to get here.

 Zak and I were going to have a perfect wedding and I couldn't wait for the day to get here

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Zak's POV

With the wedding getting closer I was getting to go on another lockdown I was doing as many as I could now before the wedding so once we got married I could take some time off. I pack my bags like I always do and put them by the door I see Mallory laying on the couch I walk over and lay on top of her and wrap my arms around her waist she wraps her arms around my neck and starts running her fingers through my hair I push her shirt and start rubbing the exposed skin with my thumb and she makes a humming noise we lay there in silence for a while then I start thinking to myself. A few minutes later I look up at her "Come with me tomorrow please you haven't been in a while the crew misses you and I really want you to go." She nods "I'll go with you." I smile "Thank you." I kiss her and she kisses back I loved her, I needed her before this I always felt like I was just existing then I met her and our relationship continued I realized I was living because of her she really was the one and I was happy that we were getting married. I was really happy she had agreed to go with us on the lockdown.

Aaron's POV

We were loading the RV and were on our way to the next location I hadn't see Mal in a while so I was happy that she had come with us and I knew that Billy, Jay, and Ashley would be happy to see her as well. I pull out my phone and do a quick snap chat and look at Mal and Zak in the back of the RV with their heads together over the phones I walk over and sit down in front of them "How's my favorite engaged couple?" Zak smiles "We're the only engaged couple you know bro." Mallory gently elbows him in the side "We're good Aaron." I laugh it was good to see Zak happy the drive beings and half way in we lose Mallory she falls asleep with her head in Zak's lap I sit across from him as he looks down at her and runs his fingers through her hair. "How are you feeling you're going to be getting married in a few months?" Zak looks at me "I feel good I know I always said I wouldn't do it but I'm ready for this I love her Aaron." Zak was really serious about this I had known him for years so I could tell that he really meant what he was saying in a few months my best friend was going to marry a really great girl I just hoped I was going to win the bet I made with Billy.

Billy' s POV

The Wasleys and I arrive at the hotel from the airport later that afternoon Jay and I start unloading the van but we stop when Ash lets out a scream we both look up and see her running over to Mallory and they hug her. Mallory makes her way over to Jay and they hug then get in a tiny playful fight like they were siblings and Zak rolls his eyes at the two of them then Mallory looks up and walks over to me and smiles. "Hey Bill." I smile back "Hi Mal." We hug and I look up and see Zak watching us with a confused look on his face we pull apart and she walks over to Zak and he wraps an arm around her waist Zak walks over and we all start talking about how the next few days were going to go. A little while later I walk over to Mallory and start talking to her she was like a little sister to me and I know that her and Aaron were close too, when you put her with Jay it was like having little kids around. Mal and Ash were best friends when we first heard about her most of us had a problem with her and her relationship with Zak now she was important to all of us in some way and we were happy for Zak.

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