Chapter 54

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I hear a knock on the door of my hotel I sigh then get up and open it I'm surprised when I see Mallory standing there she looks up and smiles when she sees me standing there and I smile back at her. I hoped she was here to say that she loved me and picked me and that she wanted the same future I did so we could have kids together because I wanted all of that with her but I look down and see her engagement ring still on her finger. "I know why you're here you pick the ghostbuster and I hate it because I really wish you were to be with me forever. I'm still disappointed that I had to hear about your engagement to Zak from Kevin I thought I meant more than that." She turns her head and I see a tear roll down her face I put my hand on her face and turn to where she's looking at me "I'm sorry baby I didn't mean that." I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her then kiss her and pour everything I have into it this kiss leads to another and more follow I want more but I couldn't sleep with her again she wasn't mine and it would hurt too much to have her leave again and it hurt knowing this would be the last time I would have her in my arms.

Nick G'S POV

I look up and smile when I see familiar long brown hair and green eyes walking toward me this was my first time seeing Mallory since Zak had asked for help picking out her engagement ring. She smiles and sits down "Hi Nick." "Hey Mal." She lays her phone on the table and I see her engagement ring I look at her "You said yes?" She looks down at her ring then smiles again. "Zak is engaged now." "That's great Mal I'm happy for you both." "Thanks Nick Zak is great I can't wait to marry him I've been dreaming about this since I saw the show for the first time I can't believe this is real." I laugh "It's real you're going to marry Zak Bagans." She laughs and her phone vibrates against the table she picks it up then looks down at it and types out a text message then looks back at me. "Speaking of Zak he just texted me he's on his way home from a lockdown." I nod and she stays for a while then we talk and a few hours later she leaves to go home I get up and walk out and miss the days when I would be with the crew filming flying back from a lockdown but I was happy with having my own show and crew so maybe it was for the best.

Zak's POV

I had never been happier about being home yes I did love my job and all of the traveling but I missed Mal a lot too plus I missed my Gracie I unlock the door walk in the house and leave my bags in the living room. I hear claws quickly hitting the floor and Gracie jumps in my arms and starts covering me with kisses I put her down in the floor and her tail is wagging nonstop "Hi Gray how's my favorite girl." Athena walks in the room she was still a puppy but she was starting to get the solid and muscular build of an adult Rottweiler she walks over to me and I give her some attention too I look up and see Mallory standing in the doorway she smiles and walks over to me. "Saving me for last then?' "You knew there was another woman in my life when started dating." We both look over at Gracie who's laying in the floor I grab Mallory by her waist and pull her to me then wrap my arms around her. "I missed you." "I missed you too Zakula." She kisses me and wraps her arms around my neck I kiss back and pull her closer to me this would always be the best part about coming back home.

Mallory's POV

Zak and I are lying in bed talking about his trip, the lockdown, and he turns the conversation to our wedding which we hadn't really done a lot of preparing for. He rolls over and looks at me "What do you want your dress to look like?" I take a deep breath then sigh "I'm not really sure yet it's not going to be traditional or white I'm going to do something entirely different that fits us." He nods then starts running his fingers through my hair "You're going to look beautiful no matter what kind of dress you choose." I smile then kiss him Zak kisses back then gets on top of me I run my hands under his shirt and start running my nails up and down his back he pulls off his shirt then throws it in the floor and I start kissing down his neck. He moans and his grip on me tightens then he tugs on my shirt and I pull it off then throw it in the floor my shorts are the next to go I unhook Zak's belt then unzip his jeans and push them off and throw them in the floor I would never get enough of Zak so I was looking forward to marrying him and spending the rest of my life with him.

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