Chapter 1

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The blades clashed over and over again sending sparks and dust flying in all directions. Both women were in light armor, and most of their skin was invisible other than their heads. The dragon stepped back, dodging the violent strike of the pole-arm as it swung viciously past her head, nearly slicing her nose in two.

The vampire laughed, her silver eyes showing nothing but amusement. "You bested me once before, I will not allow you to do so again."

The dragon scoffed, spinning her sword in her hand effortlessly, before gripping it's hilt and taking her stance once more. "Come on then Rose. Show me you've improved."

Once again, the two warrior's blades clashed against each other. It was obvious the two did not have the intention of killing each other, yet the swings were deadly, and could easily slice a man in two. But they had fought together many times before, and the world had taught them to be vicious in battle. To show no mercy to your opponent, no matter who it may be. Even if they didn't want to kill each other, reflex might cause an accidental kill.

Rose swung her pole-arm low, and the dragon stepped on the blade, slamming it into the ground before swinging her sword towards her, allowing the blade to break into segments like a whip.

Rose back flipped out of the way, releasing her weapon to avoid being chopped in half. Magic collected on her arms before she fired two bolts of lightning out of her fingertips. The dragon literally kicked the lighting out of the air, allowing the bolts to hit her metal boots before her sword sparked with the same magic. She cracked it like a whip, leaving a burn mark in the sand at their feet.

Rose was breathing heavily, as this fight had gone on for a long time. But her opponent was no different. The dragon before her was on the same level, of that there was no doubt. But she was very skilled, and there was no way Rose would win by simply outlasting her.

"Yield." The dragon ordered, using her foot to lift the pole-arm into the air before catching it with her free hand. She spun it effortlessly in her hand, before holding it behind her and her sword out in front, now back to normal as the segments reconnected.

"You're not giving me much of a choice." Rose laughed.

However she shot another lightning bolt forward before following after it. Her fist coming in contact with the flat of the dragon's blade, before she was kicked in the stomach and knocked back. She then blocked the pole of the pole-arm with her forearm, then thrusted her palm out, slamming it- and a thousand volts of electricity- into the dragon's chest.

The impact launched the dragon back, but she regained her footing, only to receive a drop kick to her knee. Rose was surprised to find that rather than collapsing, the dragon kicked forward, absorbing most of the impact with the force of her blow.

Rose rolled away, just missing the sword that nearly took her head off. Rose spun back onto her feet with a roundhouse kick, before charging at the dragon again. This time the dragon expected her vampiric speed, and blocked accordingly, and with simple ease. She used the pole-arm to effortlessly block each blow that the vampire threw, before slashing her blade which once again broke into segments.

Rose was unable to dodge in time, and instead the segments wrapped around her arm, where their bladed sides dug into the flesh of her arm. The vampire hissed in pain, but even that was cut short when the dragon pulled her sword back, pulling the vampire forwards where she was impaled into the pole-arm's bladed edge.

Rose coughed up blood onto the woman before her, before she stepped back, and the arena healed her wounds.

"I hate to admit it, but you are the superior fighter." Rose sighed, dusting herself off.

Ragnarok (Lesbian Story, OLD)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora