(Here comes the bride...)Kuro|fluff|Marriage|Reader

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This is my first fluff, and this one shot is when Kuro and reader-chan get married! Man this is gonna be exciting

Requested by; Arsenalle


My friends/bridesmaids, were fixing my dress, it was a white long slim white dress, which was covered in small diamonds on the chest area, and it was loose, down the waistband, today was the day I was going to marry, the love of my life, as known as my Servamp, Sleepy ash, I can't believe he asked me to marry him, I'll be always grateful.

"Y/n-chan! You look gorgeous!" One of my friends said, all four of my friends were looking gorgeous, their dresses were slim, gold, and loose, they had their hair down, flower crowns of (f/f) on their heads, their make up was a light one, which made them look like fairies.

"Yes, Y/n-chan! You are like the best bride to ever exist! I'm sure Kuro would fall in love with you over again when he sees you!" Another one of my friends chirped, as she fixed my hairdo, I had my hair down, my shining (h/c) curls shone, as the light of the window hit my back, "Thank you everyone, When are we leaving for the wedding?" I asked, since they didn't tell me.

"Hmm," one of my friends looked at the clock on the wall, "we should leave now!" They hurried up as they finished the final details on me, making me look as gorgeous as ever.

We left little room, and they went up to the wedding stage, having their places, on the other hand, Kuro has had Mahiru, Misono, Tetsu, and Licht behind him, They were all wearing black tuxes, I was smiling the whole time, that was until my name was called by the marriage lawyer, large double doors where opened, as I walked out with a bouquet of (F/f) in my hands, I walked towards my soon to be husband, he was looking beautiful, a black suit, showing the slim yet built body of his.

The guests were all cheering for me, I soon got on the stage, standing beside Kuro, he smiled at me, "You look gorgeous..." he whispered slightly in my ear, "Sleepy ash of Sloth, do you, take F/n L/n, to be your beloved Wife, for a lifetime?" The lawyer asked Kuro, "Yes, I do." Kuro said.

"F/n L/n, do you, take Sleepy ash of Sloth, to be your beloved Husband, for a lifetime?" She asked me this time, "I do.." I said, smiling, I couldn't believe it, I had said the two words, I thought I wouldn't never be able to say before I met Kuro.

"I can happily announce you as Wife and Husband, Now, you may Kiss the Bride..." She smiled at us, Kuro turned to me, cupping my cheeks, He leaned in as our lips finally met, sealing our marriage, we both smiled through the kiss, as he pulled away, I have never seen Kuro this happy in my whole life.

That day, I made the best decision I could ever make, and that was, marrying this lazy Vampire, named Sleepy ash, which was now nicknamed as my husband..


I can't, this is too cute ;-;

Literally me rn, at every Anime character ever, also, I'm starting a tag, and there will be rules to it,

You have to answer the 20 questions in this tag properly, you have to tag 5 other people at the end for nominating, you have to use the hashtag #101factstag in the chapter.

I'll upload mine right after this chapter, so you can see what are the questions and such, if you have any other questions about the tag, feel free to drop em' in the comments,

thank you ^-^

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