(Sleep overs) Kuro|Reader|Lemon

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Warning, this one-shot contains penetration, take out yo smol childs.

Requested by; PhoenixDroplet

Okay, before the chapter starts, i should recommend a song,
"The morning (Atlantic Connection Remix)",
it matches the chapter so well, you won't regret listening to it.

I'm so excited, Mahiru and Kuro are staying over tonight at my house, yes, they have stayed over before, but every time we do this, i feel excited!


Oh shit they're here, i ran to the door and opened it, revealing Kuro and Mahiru, they had their phones in their hands, typical Sloth duo.

"Hey guys, come in," i took a step back for them to enter, "hey Y/n! Ready for some romance movies?" Mahiru wiggled his eyebrows, smirking like an idiot.

"Fuck yourself." I laughed and held up my middle finger, "Oh, hey Kuro!" I put my hand down, smiling at him.

"Hey." He said sleepily, making slight eye contact with me.

They walked in and sat down on my couch,"drinks?", i suggested, "Water," they said in sync, i nodded my head and went to the kitchen to get their drinks, i pulled three water bottles from the fridge, closed it's door, and went back.

"Here." I tossed them their water bottles as they said their thank you.

"What movie did you get Mahiru?" I asked with curiosity, sitting next to Kuro. "I wanted to get a throwback so," he held up the movie disk, "how about we watch Saw?" He smirked.

"Oookaayy, since Halloween is close, that's a good pick.", i smiled deviously, mahiru returned mine by his smile, "what do you think Kuro?" I asked kuro.

"Nice." He said, turning into his cat form, sitting down in my lap.

"You're warm, y/n, please let me watch the movie from here." Kuro rolled around in lap, making me giggle and blush, i've always had a crush on Kuro, and i was never planning on confessing to this shut in.

"Sure." I ran my hand on his back as he purred, making me smile again.

"Mahiru, put in the disk you dumbass." I giggled. "Jeez, okay." He stood up, did what he was told and came back.

"Good boy," i laughed and hit the play button on the remote.

"Let the thriller begin." I clapped my hands together and smirk, as Kuro ruined the moment by yawning.

"You are such a turd." I rolled my eyes at Kuro's actions, "what a pain you are." He meowed.

//after the movie//

"Guys, let's play a game." Mahiru referenced Jigsaw, "Nope." Kuro and i said in sync, getting into our sleeping bags.

"You two are so lazy-" Mahiru shook his head, "shut up and sleep Mahiru," i groaned at him playfully, i surely loved annoying him.

He sweat dropped, "okay, goodnight guys."  He got in his sleeping bag and closed his eyes.

I was about to say goodnight to Kuro, but noticed him fast asleep. I cooed at his cuteness as his mouth was slightly open, his eyebrows furrowed like usual, me being the slight pervert i am, i took it... sexually.

No! No perverted thoughts...
But... he looks like he is... nope.

I should not focus on this kind of things, especially while the other person isn't aware.

vampires . kuroजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें