(Mistakes) Kuro|Reader|Idfk|pt.2

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I'm gonna go fucking dank w/ this but, warning ⚠️ if you dislike cussing, then you can kermit.

Requested by; Arsenalle


//the morning after//

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling very sore down there, oh no!

Once my eyes opened fully, i noticed two hands snaked around my body, and we were both naked under the covers! I turned my eyes hoping it wasn't Kuro.


It's him, I suddenly get out of his arms and his eyes open, "KURO WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME YOU FUCKING VAMP-" i was in the middle of yelling, covering my body with the shared blanket, i was a blushing mess.

He cut me off by putting his hand on my mouth. "Do you remember anything?" He asked blankly, i shook my head no, my eyes filled with worry and regret, yes i did remember, but i lied so this wouldn't go on and on.

"Okay. Let's pretend that this never happened and live on." He pulled his hand away from my mouth, sighing and getting up to put his clothes. I did the same...

"How are you so calm about this Kuro? We've known each other since forever, and last night... " i stopped my sentence, i was embarrassed enough with this situation, I wasn't going to go further by talking about what happened.

"It's not like i took your virginity, y/n." He said once he was fully clothed, so was i.

"Then I can't talk to you anymore." I said, walking out the door.

"What? Why?" He said, coming after me with his hands in his pockets, usual acts of The Sleepy Ash.

"Because I can't live with regret while seeing you everyday Kuro!" I half yelled, the cold air of the outside world finally hitting me, shit. I didn't bring my coat.

"Oh... here's my jacket if you're-" he held his blue long jacket for me.

"No thanks." I said without making eye contact.

"Taxi!" I shouted at the taxi that was coming by, it slowed down, stopping in front of me. I walked towards the door, opening it, "Goodbye Kuro." I smiled slightly.

He waved his hand, as a goodbye gesture.

I got in the taxi, being ready to never see Kuro again.

// 6 month later //

"Mahiru, hey! Come over tonight, we can hang out if you want!it's been a long time!" My eve, aka Sakuya said through the phone, deciding to invite Mahiru over to our home.

It was nothing like what you think between me and Sakuya, he just so happened to be my eve, and we have pretty fitting personalities, he fights a lot, i do too, he is pretty crazy about what he wants, i am too, I mean, hellurrr, Servamp Of Murder?

My heart skipped a beat when I heard the name I thought I wouldn't hear after what went on, "Hey man, can Kuro come too? We can't stay apart since you know.." Mahiru laughed from the other line, I could hear pretty good since i'm a half wolf, yes, my animal form is a wolf, a black one.

I stood still, no, he couldn't come here, not just because of, you know what, but because I've grown a crush against him!

I did what i could do.

"SAKUYA I SWEAR IF YOU SAY YES I WILL MURDER YOU IN YOUR SLEEP AND SUCK YOUR FUCKING SOUL OUT!!" I whisper yelled to him, while jumping up and down making weird hand movements, that was when Sakuya smirked, "Yeah, sure, you guys can be here at 8 or something! Okay bye Mahiru!" He said and hung up.

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