Chapter 23

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Max's POV

Music was blaring in my ears as I sat slumped in the toilets of our bus, with my head in my hands. I honestly felt...pathetic. There was a party in the bus, with a bunch of band members and probably loads of randomers that have just walked in. I was incredibly drunk and Amber was outside. Of course, she still hadn't remebered anything that I'd told her in hospital. And she was outside, dancing with some other guy, and when I say dancing, I mean pretty much just grinding against each other. That killed me, because I love her. I really fucking love her. All I wanted was to hold her and never let go, and before I knew it, tears were forming in my eyes and trailing down my cheeks. I sniffed and realized that I would never get that again, not since I was such a dick to her. I cursed to myself angrily and punched the wall, before sinking down to my knees, sobbing loudly. Suddenly, someone burst through the door. It was Josh, and his face fell when he saw me.

"Max?! What's wrong?" He asked, his voice concerned.

"I'm fine," I said, getting up and pushing past him. I swiftly ran out of the bus and onto the sticky night air of America. I rushed down the street, my vision blurry from tears and found a secluded spot to sit down. Amber wasn't mine anymore, so I don't understand why I was so upset. Maybe it's because I thought it was true love, like something out of a book. But reality was harsh. I wiped the back of my hand across my face and breathed out deeply. I ran a hand through my hair and tried to make my crying stop. Why was I acting like such a bell end? It's not like she's my girlfriend or anything... I sat down on a small stone wall looked around. I was by a road, but it looked pretty much deserted. I sighed and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and I had a text from Josh, that said,

What's wrong man?? Where the hell have you gone?

I quickly tapped back a reply.

I'm fine, I just had a moment that's all

He replied within a matter of seconds,

Something is seriously wrong. Tell me where you are and I'll come get you

I texted back and told him I was just down the road and I could walk back, but he insisted he came. I soon heard hurried footsteps down the road and saw Josh coming my way. I wiped my eyes one more time, in an attempt to hide it from him before he came. He sat beside me, and looked at me in a concerned way.

"Why have you been crying? What happened back there?" He asked. Well, so much for covering that up.

"Oh nothing, it was stupid." I said. not even bothering to come up with a decent excuse.

"Was it..." Josh swallowed, "Was it Amber with that other guy?"

And with that, I felt tears stinging my eyes again. I looked down and nodded glumly. "Is she still and the bus?" I asked.

"No..." Josh seemed to find the right words, "She went home with that guy."

"Dont worry! She's pissed out of her head, Max. She doesn't know what she's doing," He tried to assure me, but that just made me worry about her. What if he's taking advantage of her?! 

"Let's go back, everyone's going now anyway." Josh got up. I trailed after him all the way back to the bus, where music was no longer blasting. I stepped inside and saw most people passed out on the floor, or about to. I stepped over the litter and made my way to my bunk, trying not to think about what Amber was doing. I sniffed and rested my head on the pillow, and thought what we could have been. I was dosing off to sleep when there was a pounding on the bus door, and as everyone else was passed out, I went to answer it. I dragged my feet along the ground and swung the door open. Outside was Amber, with her head in her hands and sobbing loudly. 

"Amber?!" I asked, worried about what that man could've done to her. She looked up at me through watery eyes. Then she hugged me tightly, like she wouldn't let go and cried into my chest. I guided her into the living area.

"What's wrong?!" I asked, rubbing pointless circles into her back.

"I-It was...J-Jack..." She said in between sobs. I'm guessing Jack was the guy she was dancing with.

"What did he do?" I asked, clenching my fists. If he had hurt her, I was going to kill him.

"N-Nothing," She cried. "I just couldn't...He started kissing me and...I just saw J-Jay..."

"Oh, Amber..." I exhaled and pulled her closer to me. I felt so sorry for her, and how terrible her past had been. I couldn't even think about how horrible it was, and how someone could treat her like that. I leaned back on the sofa and stroked Amber's hair. She took a while to calm down, and when she did, she rested her head on my chest.

"Max...?" She said, looking up at me with her big brown eyes.

"Hmm?" I hummed back, half asleep. 

"Thank you," She said softly.

"For what?" I asked, still stroking her hair.

"Everything." She said. 

"S'okay."  I shrugged.

"No, really. I don't know what I would do without you." A smiled widely and I felt my heart speed up. 

"I could stay the same to you," I smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked.

"Sure." I said.

"I think I remember something, from when I...was in the coma." She said, looking back down.

"Really?" I asked, feeling my mouth go dry. What if she remembers?

"I remembered you...talking to me," She said, "I don't really know if it was a dream or not..."

"Go on..." I swallowed.

"You told loved me." She said, her gaze meeting mine. I felt my cheeks go red and I smiled. "Was that real, or just my imagination?" 

"Well, was real." I said, trying to hide my face. God, she must think I'm a right loser.

"Really?" She asked, sounding like she didn't believe me. I nodded.

"I think I love you too." She said, and my heart swelled up in my chest. Was she being serious, or just fucking with me? "Well, I don't think I ever stopped loving you." 

I didn't say anything, I just nuzzled my face into her hair, grinning madly. Was this a dream? Could I finally be happy again?

ahh i feel like this is really rushed but who cares, we've all been waiting for this c: and 2,750 reads?!!? FUCK ME thank you all so much!

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