Chapter 4

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Max and I had been best friends for nearly two years, and it was only a week till the end of school, for good. I would miss my many many friends (Max and Matt) but obviously I would keep in touch with them. I'd probably end up seeing Max everyday. We were practically inseperable. Yes, only five more days of this shit hole, and then I will be free. Free forever! Until I go to collage, that is. I'm going to do Art, and maybe make a living out of something I enjoyed. Call me emo, but I've always wanted to be a tattoo artist. I was doodling at the minute actually, drawing teenage mutant ninja turtles in my exercises book.

"Miss. Jones, can you tell me the answer?" Mrs Carter asked me. Well, that snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Can you repeat the question?" I asked, having no idea what she was going on about. A who people in the class giggled.

"Who invented the light bulb?" she asked, her voice shrill. I was never good at science, or history, so the two combined wasn't great for me. 

"I don't know," I said.

"Come on Amber, we were discussing this two minutes ago!" she shouted. Why is it that teachers are so...pushy? It's one question, not my fucking GCSE's.

"Do you think saying that is going to make me remember?" I asked, not realising what had come out of my mouth till after I said it.

"Excuse me?" she asked. A few oohs came from the other students, everyone was now looking at me.

"I mean, I can't remember?" I said, trying not to laugh. She walked over to my desk, seeing my wonderful works of art. I can't say that she looked too impressed. She picked up the book by the corner, as if she had taken it out of a bin, and then threw it back onto my desk.

"Go to Mrs Harper's room, now!" she shouted. I picked up my book and walked out. To be honest, I would much rather be with Mrs Harper than that old bitch. Mrs Harper was my favourite teacher, she was the head of year. I always get sent to her, which isn't what I would call a punishment. I knocked on her door, scuffing my feet as I waited for a reply.

"Come in!" I heard her voice from inside. I pushed the door open, seeing that she had a full class inside.

"Miss Jones? How can I help you?" she asked.

"I got sent out," I told her. Her face was not surprised.

"What was it for this time?" she asked.

"I didn't even do anything! She just sent me out because I didn't know the answer!" I lifted my hands in frustration. I heard the class laugh at my little rant.

"Sit over there," she sighed, continuing the film she was playing. That just shows how awful Mrs Carter is. While the rest of the school gets to do fun things, we have to do science quizzes! I went and sat on a empty chair at the back. I opened up my book to a fresh page and picked up a pencil that was lying on the desk.

"Hey! That's mine!" I heard a voice whisper to my right. I looked and saw Max with his arms folded.

"Too bad," I whispered back to him, putting the pencil to the paper. He chuckled and turned his attention back to the film.


I had just had my lunch and was standing with a group of friends on the playground. Yes, friends. Since I had become friends with Max, the bullying seemed to have ceased a little. Yes, they still teased me, but now Max and Matt protect me. Once, Max even puched Jordan smith right in the face! For once in my life I was happy. I smiled to myself.

"Hello? Earth to Amber?" Holly, one of my friends said, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Uh, yeah?" I asked, snapping out of my thoughts.

"I said, are you going to the Prom?" she asked. The Prom, I had completely forgot!

"I don't think so, I have no-one to go with," I told her. To be honest, I wasn't that bothered. Getting dressed up and dancing to a bunch of shit pop songs isn't my idea of fun.

"Come on, course you do!" she exclaimed. I looked at her, confused.

"Max?" she asked, as if to jog my memory.

"What about him?" I asked.

"You two are practically inseparable!" She said.

"Whatever," I said. The girls continued to talk about the prom, who they were going with, what they were wearing. Ugh, girl stuff bored me. 

"Amber, you should come dress shopping with us tomorrow!" Jess, another friend said excitedly. Ugh, shopping...

"Do I have to?" I whined. I would much rather go in some skinny jeans and my Blink 182 tee shirt, maybe with a leather jacket and my much loved Vans.

"Yes! We're going to find you the perfect outfit!" they all squealed. Well, it looks like I didn't have a choice...

Nothing really happens here, but the ACTUAL story is coming up in a few chapters time! 

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