Chapter 10

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"I think I should be off soon," I said to the boys, yawning. I'll admit, I've had a few drinks, but all I wanted now was to go to bed.

"So soon?" Josh pouted.

"Josh, I've been here for hours," I laughed, getting my hoodie.

"You can't go back now, it's pitch black and I can see the amount of drunks out there. Why don't you come stay the night at ours?" Josh asked, grinning. "Our hotel is only down the road,"

I thought it over for a second. It couldn't be too bad, right? 

"Okay," I smiled, "It'll be just like a sleepover."

Max and I glanced at eachother. We both burst out laughing as I remembered the many times us two used to draw things on Matt while he was asleep. The others gave us a confused look but didn't question it. 

"Okay, lets go!" Dan said, rubbing his hands together.


"Come in with us!" Matt exclaimed. I was deciding whether to room with Matt and Matt, or Josh, Chris and Dan. Before I could reply, he was pulling me into his and Max's room and I saw that their was only two beds. 

"Don't worry, I'll sleep on the sofa," Max said, pointing to a shabby, uncomfortable looking couch. I felt bad leaving him to sleep on that thing, so I went and sat down on it. I stretched my legs out so he couldn't get on and smiled to myself.

"If you want that shitty sofa, then that's fine by me," Max laughed. I relaxed and switched on the TV, flicking through the channels without paying attention when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Rosie - where are you? i came back from work and you weren't there xx

I quickly texted her back

Me - I'm just with some friends, i'm staing the night at theirs xx

Rosie - :o I didn't know you had friends! Who are they? x

Me - Some boys from school x

Rosie - okay, have fun! And remember to use a condom x

Me - sure thing ;)

I chuckled and shoved my phone back in my pocket.

"Please can you change the channel!" Max whined. I glanced up at the screen and saw Paranormal Activity was on. Max was hiding under his duvet, he clearly was still petrified of scary movies.

"Come on Max, this film is shit! How can you be scared of it?" I laughed. I carefully hid the remote in the cushions.

"Please, please, please, please, please!" he whined, poking his head above the quilt. He had these adorable puppy dog eyes that I couldn't lie to. I turned the television to the next channel, which was playing some sort of teen chick flick.

"Is this more to your liking?" I smirked.

"Yeah, this is right up my street," he rubbed his hands together. I laughed. This was the Max I used to know and love, what happened to him? I didn't want to dwell on it, so I turned my attention to getting into bed. Then I realised I had no pj's. Oh.

"Um, guys... slight problem," I scratched my chin. Matt and max looked up at me. I think Max must've caught on a bit quicker. 

"Lucky for you, I packed a spare tee-shirt," Max said, digging through his suitcase. He pulled out a shirt and some boxers and threw them at my face.

"Well thanks." I laughed. I went into the bathroom and changed into Max's clothes. I ran out into the other room and slipped under my duvet, thinking that Max wasn't so bad at all.


A loud clap of thunder woke me suddenly. I whimpered a little at the sound, I have always had a fear of thunder and lightning. I don't know why, it just distressed me, like when a wild animal gets trapped in a box...or something. Lightning illuminated the room in an spooky way, outlining everything. I wrapped my duvet around me even tighter, and sank into the sofa. I had no idea why it bothered me so much. Well, it didn't bother me, it absaloutley terrified me.

"Max?" I whispered, but there was no way he was going to hear me.

"Max?" I said a little louder. A groan came from his bed, and he shifted a little. Another clap of thunder made me wince and my heart sped up.

"Max!" I almost pleaded.

"Amber? What's wrong?" His voice was thick with sleep, but he still sounded alarmed. I swiftly padded over to his bed side, where he was sitting up a bit.

"The thunder and lightning," I said, pointing to the window. He knew about my strange fear from when we were younger. He nodded and lifted his quilt up so I could climb in. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, stroking my hair gently. He knew this calmed me down. Max just knows me. Well, he knew me. I nodded and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. He was so warm! I started mumbling about thunder as it sounded throughout the sky, making me cry out.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, I understand," he whispered. One of his hands was stroking my hair, the other was drawning lines on my arm. I relaxed a little, but I couldn't get to sleep. Max stayed up with me the whole time. I exhaled to try and calm myself. I could tell this was going to be a long, stressful night.

Sorry this is so overdue! and this chapter is shit but whatever :/

vote/comment would make my day! xxx

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