Chapter 17

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Amber's POV

"Okay guys, we've got a surprise!" Chris said, sharing a glance with Josh. "We're going camping!" 

All the guys looked pretty happy and excited, whereas the girls looked...not so enthusiastic.

"Great, when? Where? How long? Who's coming?" Max asked, rubbing his hands together.

"Everyone here is invited," Josh said. By everyone he meant the members of You Me At Six, me, Rosie, Beth (Josh's girlfriend) and Charlie (Chris's girlfriend). "And we've asked this farmer if we can use one of his fields. We'll leaving tomorrow and coming back on Monday." 

"Tomorrow! How am I going to pack in time?!" Rosie said, running her hands through her long, perfectly straight hair. 

"Calm down! We'll probably go soon if we're leaving tomorrow. What time are you planning on hitting the road?" I asked no-one in particular.

"Probably about nine. It's about a two hour car journey," Chris explained.

"Okay, we'll be off then, I said, getting my hoodie, Rosie following. We walked to my car, I hopped in the drivers seat. I looked over at Rosie, who had this goofy smile on her face.

"What are you so happy about?" I asked, putting the key into the ignition.

"Oh, nothing," she said, a small blush appearing on her cheeks. She had this glint in her eyes, the same look she has when she likes someone. A lot.

"Who is it, Rosie?" I asked her.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said, her grin growing wider.

"Yes you do. You're in love, aren't you?" I asked. She stayed silent. "Come on, spill."

"I am not," she said, folding her arms.







"Fine, I'll just do this until you tell me," I said, poking her cheek.

"Stop it," she said, swatting my hand away. I continued to poke her.

"If I tell you, will you stop being such a twat?" she asked

"Maybe," I shrugged.

"It's...Dan," she said, her smile reappearing.

"Ooh. Rosie's in luuurve!" I laughed

"Shut up," She said, cheeks turning a dark shade of red.


The sound of Wake Up by Mallory Knox rang in my ears, making me wake up abruptly. I groaned and shut the alarm off. Why did I set an alarm at 7:00 am? Oh yeah, camping. Great. I sighed and swung my legs over the bed, heading to the bathroom. I turned the shower and stripped my pajamas off and looked at my body in the mirror. Ugh, I was so... skinny. I try to put on weight, seriously! I eat like a pig... But it never works. I wish I looked like I used to, when I was in school. I wasn't too chubby or too skinny. But now I look...weird. I stepped into the shower and let the hot water wash over me. Once I had washed my hair, I got into a dressing gown and put my wet hair in a towel. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a box of cereal and went to the lounge. I flicked the TV on and went straight to Kerrang. I grabbed a handful of cereal and stuffed my face. Yes, I ate cereal out of the box, no milk. I finished my breakfast and went back upstairs and decided what to wear. Skinny Jeans? No, bad idea when we're going to be putting up tents for hours. I put on some black leggings and a Sempiternal tee-shirt. I brushed my teeth and began the task of brushing my hair...

Max's POV

Josh pulled up outside Amber and Rosie's flat. Dan and I got out and I spoke to her through the intercom and she came running down the stairs.

"Hey!" She said, wheeling her suitcase to Josh's boot.

"Hi," I smiled. Dan didn't bother to even say anything, he was staring at Rosie.

"Hey Dan." Rosie smiled

"Hi," Dan said, sounding a little...nervous?

"So what are the car arragments?" She asked.

"Well, Josh, Chris, Dan, Beth, Rosie and Charlie are going in Dan's Mum's car, it's a seven seater. Then You, me and Matt are going in the other car, with all the equipment and shit."

"Cool." She smiled. She waved to the others and climbed in the backseat of the car we were sharing.


"Manage me, I'm a mess!" Amber sang in a horrible American accent

"Turn a page, I'm a book half unread!" Matt continued, in an even worse accent.

"I wanna be laughed at, laughed with just because!" I sang.

"I  wanna feel weightless and that should be enough!" This was how the last half hour of the car jourey had been. Singing random songs at the top of our voices and earing some strange looks from other drivers. My mouth hurt from singing an smiling.

"Okay, Imma nap," Amber said, settling down in the backseat.

"Can we pull over at this garage, I'm thirsty," I said, rubbing my dry throat.

"Sure," Matt pulled over and we went into the shop. I grabbed a four pack of Monster and a Kit Kat.

"Why don't you just tell her?" Matt asked me. I look at him, confused.

"Amber. Why don't you tell her you still love her."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do, Max," He said as I handed a £5 note to the woman behind the till. "You look the same way you did when you fancied her all those years ago."

"Even if I her, why would she love me back? I nearly fucking slept with someone else!" 

"Max, you were drunk!"

"So? That means it doesn't matter?"

"You might as well try, Max."

"It would just ruin our friendship! I've only just got her back, I don't want to lose her again."

"You're one stupid man, Max. She loves you too. She never stopped loving you! You never stopped loving each other!"

"Just leave it, yeah?" I said sternly, making my way back to the car.

btw, if your not british, a garage is a GAS STATION :) much love 

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