Chapter 1

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"You probably could do without lunch, don't you think?"  he said, getting closer to my face. This happens every day, I really should be used to it by now. The girls behind him sniggered as I stood up, tears forming behind my eyes.

"Ugly bitch," one of the girls muttered as I ran out of the classroom. As tears ran down my face, I rushed into the bathroom.  I locked myself in a cubicle and held my head in my hands. Why did I have to be so pathetic? Fucking crying in front of the whole class, that's not going to help. I sobbed harder as the class's sniggers echoed through my head. There was suddenly a knock on the cubicle door, making me jump. Oh God, they'd followed me here.

"Are you okay?" I heard a voice that I didn't recognise ask. It was definatley a boy, but I couldn't say who.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said, my voice came out as bearly a whisper.

"You don't sound it," he laughed lightly.

"Please, just leave me alone," I croaked.

"Well, I'm not leaving until I know you're okay," He said. Who was this guy?

"You should be in your lesson anyway," I said, as an attempt to get him out of here.

"And you shouldn't?" he fired back in a cocky way. I heard the main toilet door swing open and a teacher's voice boom.

"Mr. Helyer! Get back into my lesson, now! And maybe you can explain to me why you think it is acceptable to hide in the toilets!"

'Mr. Helyer' clearly left, and I was left on my own again. I was sitting there for at least 5 minutes, trying to calm myself down. Slowly, I unlocked the cubicle door and checked myself in the mirror. I dabbed my wet eyes with a tissue and smoothed down my long brown hair. I waited for the bell to go before heading to my locker. It was the end of the day, and boy did I want to go home. I quickly pushed my belongings into my rucksack and swung it over my shoulder.I managed to push past the students in the corridors, not wanting to be recognised and teased. They would probably tease me for crying as well. By they, I mean a boy called Jordan Smith and his stupid gang that follow him around. He's been bullying me for a year now. He'll always find something to pick at; the way I look, the music I like, my grades, my lack of friends. Most people are decent in my year but nobody wants to get on the wrong side of Jordan, so they join in on it too. I walked briskly out of the side exit, keeping my head down. I got to about half way back, when I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I didn't look back, I only sped up. The footsteps got louder and louder. Who was behind me? It could be some pedophile, or one of Jordan's 'friends'. Whoever it was was breathing heavily.

"Wait up, would ya?" A voice behind me said. I turned around and saw a boy, red in the face and panting.

"I can't cope with this amount of running, just give me a sec." He said, catching his breath. I just stood there staring at him. He was obviously from my school, he had the uniform on, but I'd never seen him before. 

"I'm Max." He said, sticking out his hand for me to shake. He had a cheeky grin and swoopy hair. His eyes were big and brown, just like mine. I took his hand and shook it. It was a little sweaty but I didn't mind.

"Amber," I replied."Why did you follow me?"

"Because, I saved your ass back there!" He exclaimed. I gave him a confused look. He saved my ass back where?

"I was in the toilets, talking to you, " he said, his hands rotating as if to jog my memory.

"And how was that saving my ass?" I asked.

"Fine, but next time you're in the boys toilets, I might tell the teachers," he winked at me.

"I wasn't in the boys toilets!" I exclaimed.

"I'm pretty sure the girls toilets doesn't have a sign on the door saying 'Mens'," he smirked. Was I really in the boys toilets? I didn't stop to think it was weird that Max was in the Girl's... Max continued to chat with me, well more like chat at me considering he did most of the talking. It turns out we have a lot in common, mostly our music taste. Max exclaimed his love for Incubus and Blink 182. It was nice to have someone to talk to that wasn't my own mother. I guess I've never really had a friend, not since Primary School. Oh well. Soon, we were outside my house.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked, shuffling my feet. I had only met Max fifteen minutes ago, but he was the only person to show me any consideration in this whole damn town. 

"Will your parents mind?" he questioned.

"They don't get in till about eight at night, so no," I smiled, turning the key into the lock.

"Sure," he grinned. I let us in and dumped my bag on the floor.

"Where do I put my bag?" he asked, looking around my hallway.

"Just put it next to mine." I told him.

"Do I take my shoes off?" he asked

"Just come upstairs!" I laughed at his good manners.

"Well, you're keen to get my pants off, aren't you?" he smirked, following me into my bedroom. Max texted his Mum, to tell her where he was.

"Shut up, you dick." I laughed. I saw him staring at my guitar that was leant against the wall. It was a blue Epiphone Gibson Les Paul.

"Do you wanna try it out?" I grinned. Nodding like a child at Christmas, I passed it to him and plugged it into my amp. I got down my other guitar, a black Fender and played with him. I turned up the amps to full blast. This is actually kind of fun. We continued to play a few songs together. Finally, someone shared my passion of music.

"That was fun!" Max said, rolling on the floor. My mouth actually physically hurt from smiling so much.

"Amber!" I heard my Mum shout from downstairs.Checking my phone, I saw it was 4:30. What was she doing back so early? Whatever it was, I could tell from the tone of her voice that she wasn't pleased...

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