Chapter 24

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Amber's POV

I groaned as I woke up, my hangover kicking in ad rubbed my eyes softly. The sunlight was bright and the first thing I noticed was Matt lying on the floor, all limbs spread out in a starfish shape. As my senses fully awakened, I noticed I was on something warm and squishy and Max-smelling. I looked and saw I had fallen asleep, pretty much on top of Max. Then I remembered last night, and how Max told me he loved me. I smiled to myself and stood up slowly, feeling horrible because I had slept in my clothes. I went to the kitchen area and made two coffees. I drank mine pretty quickly and left Max's on a small shelf next to the sofa. I decided that, while everyone was asleep, I could get in the shower. I turned on the limited water that we had and stepped in, letting the warm water soak over me. While I washed, I contemplated what happened last night. Did this mean me and Max were together now, like boyfriend ad girlfriend? I decided to probably indirectly ask Max about it later, when he was fully aware of the world. I lathered shampoo and conditioner in my hair, then letting in rinse back out again. I stepped out and shivered, wrapping a fluffy towel around me. I dried and got dressed into some black high waisted shorts and a Nirvana tee shirt, just towel drying my hair and leaving the rest to dry naturally. When I opened the bathroom door, most people had relocated back to their bunk, accept for Matt, who was still on the floor. Max was also still on the sofa, sleeping peacefully. I sat on the opposite end and flicked the TV on. Some shitty American show was on, but I watched it regardless. I still had a faint headache, but the coffee and shower had helped. As the whole bus stank of sweaty bodies, I opened up a few windows, letting the sound of the busy street sneak in. I couldn't help but overhear a lot on conversations, hearing so many American accents was weird. I heard a groan from beside me and saw Max stir, turning over in his sleep. Just then, Josh emerged from his bunk, dragging his feet along the floor.

"Hey," He said tiredly, his voice hoarse. He came and sat on the opposite sofa, rubbing his eyes.

"Hi. All partied out, are we?" I smirked, and he glared.

"Oh God, we have a show later!" He moaned. I laughed and turned my attention back to the TV.

"So...Did you and Max sort things out?" He asked.

"Huh?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. How could Josh have known about last night.

"Max was pretty cut up." He explained. A wave of guilt crashed over me at the thought of him being upset.

"Oh." I said quietly, "Yeah, I think we sorted it out..."

I felt my cheeks go red and I had to bite my lip to stop grinning.

"What went on?" Josh asked. "A bit of adult action going on here?"

"No!" I said quickly, throwing a cushion at him, "I'll leave that to Rosie and Dan."

"Don't get me started on those two. They've been all  over each other this tour. They should just go out already." He said. I agreed, glad the attention was away from me. Well I thought it was...

"Amber and Max, sitting in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"How long did it take for you to come up with that one, Josh?" I smirked. He huffed and ignored me, turning on the Xbox.

"Fancy a game of Fifa?" He asked. 

"I'm not one for football, but, sure." I said, as he handed me the controller. It's only a game, how hard can it be?


Max's POV

I woke up to shouting and laughter from the bottom floor of the bus. As I sat up, my head started to pound and I tried to soothe it by rubbing my temples. I also noticed that I was in my bunk, but how did I get here? I swear me and Amber fell asleep on the sofa last night. Oh God, what if that was all a dream? I swung my legs over the edge and stood up slowly, clicking my neck. The bus was moving to our next venue, I could see the world whizzing past outside. I walked down the stairs to the living area and saw all the guys, plus Amber, Rosie, Beth and Charlie. They were all squeezed on the sofa, and there was an intense game of Fifa going on between Matt and Amber.

"What the fuck?! That was definitely a foul!" Matt shouted at the screen, standing up in anger. 

"Someone just can't accept the truth - you suck at Fifa!" Amber laughed, tackling Matt's players again.

"Oh, hey Max!" Beth said, cheerily waving. I smiled back and perched on the edge of the sofa, watching Amber intently. She was on the edge of her seat, eyes wide and bright. She was constantly grinning, and shot me a few smirks every now and again. 

"Are you sure you've never played this before?" Josh raised his eyebrows once Amber one the match 1-6.

"Positive." She said, holding her hands up.

"She even beat Josh." Chris said to me. Now that was a shock. Amber got up and went into the kitchen, and I followed her.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Well..." She said, glancing at her watch. "It's afternoon, really."

She smirked and hugged me, kissing my cheek softly. How did that make me have butterflies, like I was 12 years old. She got out two glasses and poured some orange juice, pushing one towards me.

"Amber...?" I asked, cocking my head to one side.

"Hmm?" She replied, taking a sip.

"Are we like...together now or something?" I asked, anxious for the answer.

"Don't you need to take me on date first?" She smirked, biting her lip and twirling her hair around a finger and looking incredibly sexy. What, did I really just think that?

"I would but it's pretty hard with all the touring and stuff..." I said, leaning against the counter. "But I promise I will as soon as we get back."

"Sounds good." She smiled, her perfect teeth showing.

"And until then...?" I asked hopefully.

"I think I would be very happy to be your girlfriend." She grinned. "On one condition."

I shot her a questioning look.

"You have to ask me properly." She had an evil smirk on her face. "On your knees."

I sighed and got down on one knee, looking up at her thoroughly amused face. 

"Amber," I said, taking her hand. "Will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

"Oh Maximus, this was so unexpected!" She faked shock. "Of course I will!" 

I grinned and stood up, wrapping my arms around her. 

"I love you." She whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I said, cupping her face in my hands. I crashed my lips onto hers, causing her to moan. She opened her mouth slightly, allowing my tongue entrance, but it was soon cut short by a loud cough by one of the guys.

"Try to keep it PG-13, alright!" Dan shouted. Amber blushed furiously when she noticed everyone was watching.

"Anyway, I'm getting in the shower." I clapped my hands. I went and grabbed my wash things and I could hear hushed talking in the living room. I smiled to myself and turned the water on, letting my thoughts run wild in my head. I couldn't keep this stupid smile of my face as I washed. I was finally happy, whole, complete. I had a dream job, the best friends and one amazing girlfriend. Things were looking up.

so it's looking like this is nearly coming to an end. I'll probably post 2-3 more chapters of this then, who knows, it might be finished. But one thing is for sure, there will definitley be a sequel. like how can i not. and this nearly has 3,000 reads ~holy shit~

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