Chapter 14

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Max's POV

"What happened to you, after college?" I asked. We'd spent an hour in that lift, not hearing from anyone. Amber didn't bring her phone, and I had no credit left on mine, which was convenient. We were sitting on the floor of the lift, next to each other.

"Um, not much..." she said. I could hear a trace of nervousness in her voice, like she was hiding something from me.

"You sure?" I asked again. "What did you get up to?"

"Well, I left collage and got a job at a supermarket. Cool, I know," she chuckled, "Then I found someone."

Had she already moved on so quickly? Did she just forget about me? Well, that's understandable, I nearly fucking cheated on her!

"He was called Jay. He was nice." she said. I could hear her voice crack, like she was tearing up, but I couldn't see her face.

"Amber?! What's wrong?!" I asked, instantly getting worried. I hated her being upset. 

"Max?" she sobbed into my arm. "I can trust you can't I?"

I reached out for her face and wiped the tears streaming down her face.

"Of course you can," I soothed her.

"Can I tell you something?" She asked. I nodded my head but then I realized she wouldn't be able to see.


"One night, we came back from this party and he was really, really drunk. And then he wanted to do some stuff, but I didn't want to. Then he hit me." 

I felt my stomach drop. 

"And he forced me" I cut her off.

"It's okay, I understand." I said, wrapping my arm around her. I can't believe someone would do that. Just the thought made me sick. She cried into my shoulder. I scooped her into my arms and sat her on my lap. She curled into the fetal postion, leaning against my chest. I gently stroked her hair. I couldn't quite take it all in... If I hadn't made that stupid mistake years ago, this wouldn't have happened. It was all my fault.

Hey! So, do you think it is Max's fault? tell me what you think below? :) xx <3 love all of ya

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