Chapter 8

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bright sunlight poured through my window, causing me to wake up. I rubbed my eyes before getting up and going into the shower. I turned the dial to the right temperature and stepped inside. The water was a bit of a shock to my still half asleep body, but it felt nice. I still haven't decided about this whole meeting You Me At Six thing. Of course I wanted to see the guys, except for Max. I didn't know who the drummer was, since they got rid of their old one. I couldn't really avoid Max, I mean, he is in the band. I don't think I'll go...I don't wanna be bringing up the past. I bet he has a girlfriend, maybe even a family. I don't want to go barging into his private life. He's probably forgotten who I am anyway. I sighed before stepping out of the shower. I wrapped myself in a towel and went to get dressed. I put on some dark blue ripped denim shorts because it was quite warm outside and I pulled a Drop Dead tee shirt over my head and wrapped my hair up in the towel.

"Rosie? Are you here?" I shouted as I made myself a coffee. She must be at work, she worked at a hair salon. I swear she is the complete opposite of me. She's the most girliest person ever to walk on this Earth, whereas I might as well just be a boy. She's not too keen on rock and metal music, she's a bit of an indie/hipster girl. I glanced at the clock, it was 10:32. The meet and greet started at 6:00. I guess it wouldn't hurt to see them? Plus I would feel extra bad if I didn't turn up, considering he invited me and all. Well, I guess I'm going.


It was half five and I was all ready to go. I still had on my shorts and Drop Dead tee, I wasn't one to dress up. My hair fell in straight down my back, I wasn't one to be fancy with my hair either. I tried to put a convincing smile on my face as I walked to the venue. To be honest I was shitting myself. There was already a gigantic queue of girl waiting to see their 'idols' in concert. I joined the back of the line and played a game on my phone. I should've brought Rosie with me, so I wouldn't look like a loner. But it was too late, I already did look like a loner. 

"AH! I'm so excited!" I heard a girl squeal from in front of me. I saw a girl, a little shorter than me with long blonde hair.

"Oh, sorry, I'm just a little excitable..." she said.

"Yeah, I could tell," I laughed.

"I'm Alex," She said, extending her arm out towards me.

"Amber," I smiled as I shook her hand. Maybe I wouldn't be a loner after all. We chatted, and it turns out we have a lot in common. Soon enough we were walking into the venue. I hadn't been to a gig in a while, so I was pretty excited. I showed my pass to one of the staff, and they lead me backstage where I could watch the show from the side. I looked out at the crowd. Wow, the whole place was filled up with fans, screaming excidetly. The supporting acts were great, now my stomach was churning at the thought of seeing Max again. The lights went down, and everyone was waiting in anticipation. First of all, the drummer came on, making the fans scream wildly. He was followed by Chris and Matt and then...Max. He was grinning at the audience like he hadn't a care in the world. His hair wasn't swoopy and it looked darker, and he had a slight stubble. The show was absaloutly amazing, although for most of the time I was stuck staring at Max. It was nice to see him happy, he clearly loved what he did. But I wasnt' sure if I could actually handle meeting him again...

I'm going on holiday on Sunday, and I won't be back till the following saturday :'( And guess what? No internet connection for six days!! HOW WILL I LIVEEEEE.........................

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