Chapter 21

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Amber's POV

I knocked on the red door, my heart pounding against my chest. The door swung open revealing Max's mum standing there, confusion splashed on her face.

"Amber? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I just came to get some of my things." I said, looking at my scuffed shoes.

"Okay dear, but Max is up there right now." She said. "He hasn't really moved since..."

I nodded and entered the house, closing the door behind me.

"I'll leave you to it." She said, walking off into the kitchen. I peered up the stairs, noticing how Max's door was shut. I took a deep breath and walked slowly up the steps. Why was I even doing this? Maybe because I wanted to see his face again? But why? I was angry with him. He hurt me. Too late to turn back now because my hand was already pushing the door open. The smell of him lingered in the air. It was that nice smell of his deodorant and perfume that clung to his clothing, that I constantly wore. His curtains were shut, making the bedroom completely dark. I could see a lump of a body underneath his duvet. This would probably be the last time I saw him. I sighed and looked around for my sketchbook, and a few jumpers and hoodies I kept here. I spotted my grey hoodie hooked on the handle of the wardrobe. The thing I really wanted was my sketchbook that I had left here a few weeks ago. Since the...incident, I had been laying in bed, crying my eyes out and eating about three tonnes of chocolate. I hadn't spoken to anyone, not even Matt. So don't ask me why I thought it would be a good idea to come here. Now, where the hell was that book? I moved a few piles of clothes from the floor and saw it laying there. I picked it up and a few pieces of paper fluttered to the floor. I studied them, they were photos of us. My eyes pricked with tears at the sight. I tucked them back into the pages and accidental sniffed loudly. Max shifted under his covers, his mess of hair appearing. Before I could move, he was sat up, eyes wide as he noticed me.

"Amber..." He said, his voice was hoarse and he sounded exhausted. Tears were escaping my eyes now. I bolted for the door but somehow he cut in front of me, arms blocking the doorway.

"Max, don't make this any harder than it already is," I begged.

"Please...Let me explain," He said. Now he was in the light I could see his face properly. His eyes were dull and red and puffy, missing that glow they always had. He had dark bags under his eyes and his skin was pale. I tried to speak but I just made this weird choking noise, so I shook my head and tried to barge past him.

"I didn't know what I was doing, Amber. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't-" He started but I cut him off.

"That's not an excuse Max! Just because you were wasted, it doesn't mean you can get away with it!" I shouted, my voice growing higher.

"I know it's not but please let me explain!" He pleaded.

"Fine! Go on then!" I said, eager to hear what he came up with this time.

"She came on to me, okay? She just took her top off and pushed me onto the bed and started kissing me and then you came in at the wrong time and I know it looked really different but just, trust me."

"Max, you were running your hands all over her! It didn't look very one-sided from where I was standing!"

"Why don't you believe me?!" He shouted, running his hands through his hair, "I thought you were meant to trust me!"

"Don't try and turn this around on me! I'm not trying to be the bad guy here!"

"Oh and I am? Just listen to me and get out of your own head for two seconds!" He shouted. He'd never said anything like that before.

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