Chapter 2

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I looked at Max worriedly and trudged down the stairs. I found my Mum in the kitchen with a wide smile on her face. I thought she was angry? 

"Have you got a friend up there?" she asked, peering up the stairs. I stopped her before she could invesatigate.

"Yes, but please don't go up there!" I begged, pulling her back into the kitchen. I didn't want her seeing Max, she'd probably think that he was my boyfriend, knowing her.

"Who have you got up there?" she smirked.

"Just a friend..." I said, looking at the ground. 

"Well, I'm going out with some friends. I won't be back till later, but your Father will come home around eight, so be good," Mum pecked me on the cheek and left again.

Rushing back upstairs, I found Max sitting cross legged on the floor, looking through a sketch book. Not just any sketch book, my sketch book. 

"Hey! Give that back!" I laughed, trying to snatch it from him. He jumped onto my bed, then ran out of my room, me close behind him.

"You'll never catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" he giggled, sprinting into the back garden. What the fuck? Did he smoke some weed while I was downsatirs or something? I pounced onto his back, forcing him to give me a piggy back ride. I grabbed the book from his grasp, but didn't release my arms from around his neck. He started spinning me around faster and faster, I rested my head in the crook of his neck. It was nice, he was really warm and he made me feel All of a sudden, he stopped spinning.

"Fallen asleep, have we?" he giggled.

"Maybe..." I sighed, burying my face deeper into his school jumper. He dropped me lightly on the grass, shuffling so he was next to me.

"So you draw, eh?" he asked, referring to the book in my hand.

"Yeah,"  I said, tossing it on the ground next to him, "I'm gonna get some food!"

~Max's POV~

I flicked through the pages of her little book. It was filled with sketches of random things, skulls, roses, patterns, people. They were brilliant, I would love these as tattoos. If I was old enough, that is... I was brought back into reality when something smacked into my face. It was a bag of popcorn.

"Ow, Amber! That really hurt!" I whined, holding my face in my hands and pouting. 

"Aw, Maxy! I'm so sorry! I'll make it up to you...we can watch a film!" Amber chirped, running inside. I loved how she got excited so easily. I picked up the bag, and her book and followed her into the living room. She was putting the disc into the player and had a blanket ready on the sofa.

"What are we watching?" I asked, sitting down.

"You'll see," she winked. She sat next to me as I realised the film was The Lion King. As they film progressed, Amber was ever so slowly getting closer to me, till eventually her head was on my chest. I watched her eyes flutter close as she fell into a deep sleep. I couldn't help but notice how peaceful and innocent she looked, how attractive she was. God, I felt like a pedophile, watching her sleep. Carefully, I scooped her into my arms and carried her upstairs, she was very light. I placed her down on her bed, pulling the duvet over her. I tried to exit as quietly as possible. I think I had made a best friend, in one day.

Short chapter, hope your enjoying. Leave a comment below? xx <3

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