Chapter 19

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Amber's POV

"Are you kidding me?!" Matt exclaimed. "You forgot the bacon!"

There was a chorus of 'what the fuck's and 'someone get the bacon's and 'how could you forget?'s. Josh just stood there with this guilty grin on his face. Everyone glared at him. I couldn't help but notice how close Rosie and Dan were sitting.

"Okay, okay, i'll just go to the shop and get some!" Josh said. "Anyone coming with?" Everyone stayed silent.

"Beth...?" He asked, fluttering his eyelashes.

"How 'bout no." Beth smiled sweetly.

"Amber?" He asked. It would be nice to get away from the campsite for a while.

"Okay." I said. I quickly nipped back inside my tent and ran a brush through my hair. "Ready."

"Let's roll," Josh grinned. I laughed back at him and we got into the car.


"IT'S LIKE I'M SLEEPWALKING!" We both screamed/sang along to Bring Me The Horizon. 

"Fucking hell, be careful driving Josh, you'll crash in a minute!" I joked as he swerved a little.

"I don't know, I think there's something wrong with the brakes..." He frowned looking to the floor of the car.

"Josh! Watch out-" Suddenly, we were zooming off road, and spinning out of control. Everything went black...


Max's POV

"Josh, what the hell's going on?!" I asked as Rosie, Beth, Matt and I ran down the hospital corridor. He was slumped in a blue plastic chair, his head in his hands. His gazed snapped up to us when we spoke and...had he been crying? He had a bruise on his forehead and a stitched up gash on his cheek. Where was Amber?!

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault..."  He gushed a tear escaping his eye.

"What's all your fault?" Beth asked, quickly sitting by his side and putting an arm around him.

"It's Amber,  sh- she's in the o- operating theatre... They said she might have b- brain damage and it's all my f- fault!" He burst into tears again. Operating? Brain Damage? I saw a doctor walk out of the room, a clipboard in his hand. He turned to us and put on a fake smile, a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"Are you the friends and family of Miss. Amber Jones?" He asked us. We nodded and waited for him to continue. "Well, Amber is in a pretty bad state. She has a broken leg and two broken ribs. The good news is, we can't find any traces of brain damage."

"But...?" Rosie asked uncertainly.

"I'm so sorry to say this but we'ce had to induce Amber into a coma. It really is for the best. She'll wake up when she's ready." He said. I felt a pang in my chest.

"And when will that be?" Rosie asked, worried.

"I'm afraid to say, we don't know. Could be days, weeks, months." He said. Rosie sniffed and Josh started bawling again. What if I never saw her again? What if I never get to tell her that I love her? I wiped my eyes with the back of my sleeve. I just want to hold her in my arms and hug her, tell her that I love her. I collapsed into a cold, hard chair and quietly began to cry.

Sorry for the short chapter but I just sort of had this urge to write. idek :3

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