Chapter 13

413 11 2

Max's POV

There was a knock on our hotel room door. I literally rolled off the bed and crawled to the door and opened it to see Amber standing there, smiling warmly.

"Hiya!" she chirped, patting me on the head. "May I ask what you are doing on the floor?"

I shrugged as my stomach growled loudly.

"Someone's hungry," she laughed, "Wanna grab some lunch?"

"Sure," I smiled. I quickly sprayed some deodorant over me and grabbed my hoodie. I locked the door behind me and slid the key card into my pocket.

"There's a shopping centre round the corner, that has this really nice cafe in it," she said as we took the lift down to the lobby. I nodded. She started to laugh, and I gave her a confused look.

"I just remembered the time..." she said before cracking up into laughter again, "When we...had that.. supply teacher.."

She was laughing so hard that she could barely speak, and she was earning some strange looks from other guests.

"We pulled a load of pranks on her, and she spent the whole day working out who it was," she finished after she'd calmed down. I laughed as I remembered that confused look on the teacher's face. We walked round the corner to a large shopping centre, laughing at memories from school. The car park was surprisingly empty for a Saturday afternoon.

"Lift, or stairs?" she asked. The shops were only two floors up, but I was lazy.

"Lift," she laughed and pressed the button in between the two lifts, and waited for it to come down. It pinged and the doors opened, and we stepped inside.

"Do you remember when-" she stopped when the lights in the lift went out, plunging us into darkness, and the lift stopped moving. "What the fuck?"

"Max, where are you?" Amber asked. It was pitch black, and I couldn't see shit. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and shone it around the elevator.

"Over here," she came over to me.

"What do we do?" she asked.

"Is there one of those emergency buttons in here?" I asked, finding the panel with all the buttons on.

"Ooh, can I press it?" she asked, getting excited.

"We're stuck in a lift and you're getting excited about pressing a button,"

She shrugged.

"Do you know what the  worst thing about this is?" she asked me.

"Being stuck in a lift for hours?" I asked, chuckling slightly.

"Nope. Being stuck in a lift for hours that stinks of piss," 

Okay so this hapeens in every fanfic ever but idgaf :)

This one's dedicated to @BethhJadeeXO because she always leaves me lovely comments and we had an interesting conversation last night about Mikey Chapman's hair! x

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