Chapter 20

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Max's POV

I sat, slumped in the chair beside her bed, just thinking, really. About how I should've told her that I was still in love with her as soon as she walked into that dressing room, hiding behind Josh. Then I might've found out if she still has feelings for me. Of course she doesn't, you dickhead, my conscience was telling me. What was I doing here? Staring at her won't help. That's all I had been doing these past six days. Taking in her pale features, how her cheeks missed that pink tinge they always had. I missed the way her eyes sparkled when she was happy or excited. How long will it be before I see those beautiful eyes again? I rubbed her cold hand, which was clasped in mine. I traced my index finger along the outline of the tattoo.

"Please wake up..." I whispered. No reply. "I miss you."

"I want to tell you something," I heard that people can still hear when they're in comas. I have to tell her how I feel, it's eating me up. It's worth a try, right?

"I miss being with you, Am. And I'm so, so sorry. About what I did to you and what has happened to you because of it. If I wasn't such an idiot eight years ago, we'd probably still be together, and you wouldn't be here." I sighed. Then I realized I was holding her hand tight and she probably wouldn't want me to do that, so I placed it by her side. Then I heard a phone ringing. On the bedside tabled, there was a plastic wallet with things Amber had on her during the accident. Her phone was inside, with the name Harvey flashing across the screen. Who's Harvey? I didn't think it was right to answer her phone, her private life is, well, private. I let it ring until it stopped, and the room was filled with a deathly silence again. Harvey tried to ring again, and I decided to answer it this time.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hi, is Amber there?" A guy asked on the other line.

"She can't really talk right now." I frowned as I looked at her frail frame.

"Oh, it's just she was meant to be at work an hour ago, and she normally rings when she's ill so I was just wondering if something serious had happened." Harvey said. So he was her boss? A work colleuge?

"She's actually in the hospital right now." 

"Really? Why, what happened?" He asked, sounding concerned.

"She was in a car crash..."

"Fucking hell. Is she okay?"

"No - not really. She's in a c- coma." I swallowed.

"Shit." He gasped. "Sorry mate, but I didn't catch your name?" 

"It's Max."

"Damn. Send her my love, Max. I'm thinking of her." He said before swiftly hanging up.

"That was Harvey. From your work, I presume? He sends his love." My eyes wondered around to room, to a vase of flowers that Josh had bought Amber a few days ago. "Anyway, where we before?"

"Amber, I think I...I think I love you. I never stopped loving you, and I will never forgive myself for what I did. I've never had a relationship after you, ya know. Every time I tried, I just remembered you and I...couldn't. I love that thing you do when your nervous, you look at your feet and play with your thumbs and do this really cute blush. I love your smile, whenever you smile, I want to smile! I love everything about you, Am, I love you.I just really want you to wake up so I can hug you and hold you and never let go." My eyes were brimming with tears. "The doctor said yesterday that you would wake up today, but you haven't. I don't want to lose you, Amber."

I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder, making me jump. I turned around to see Matt standing there, with a sympathetic smile on his face. 

"I'm sorry, mate," He said, closing the door. "She'll be alright, you know that. She'll wake up any time now."

"How do you know that?" I asked, gazing at the limp body laying on the bed.

"Amber's a fighter. You know she'll pull through."

this is just kind of a filler, really, until the main thing happens hopefully in the next chapter :) 

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