Chapter 15

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Amber's POV

A loud banging noise, and muffled voices woke me up from my deep sleep. It was pitch black around me, and it took me a moment to figure out where I was. I was still curled up in Max's lap. I peeled myself away from him, probably leaving an attractive patch of tears and drool, and I immediately got up and went to where I thought the door was and started to bang on the metal.

"Is anyone there?! Help! We're stuck!" I shouted, repeatedly banging my fist against the door. I could hear a voice outside, telling me to stay calm and that they were getting us out.

"Keep away from the doors please!" The voice from outside shouted. I backed away, tugging Max (who was now awake) to his feet. There was a horrible scraping noise of the doors being forced open, and a thin crack of light slithered through the gap. Then, the doors were forced open all the way by a strange looking device, but I was glad to be free. Then I realized we were between floors, and that the gap we had to get out from wasn't too big.

"Are you okay in there?" the guys asked.

"We're fine," Max answered.

"Sorry, we can't get the lift moving, you're gonna have to get through this gap," the man said. The gap wasn't that small, but it would be a squeeze.

"You go first," Max said to me. I grabbed onto the guy's arms and he hoisted me up. I had to slide on my belly to fit through.

"Thank you," I said to the man as I dusted myself off. 

"You sure you kids are alright?" he asked again, after pulling Max up.

"Yeah, we're good. Thanks so much!" Max said, shaking the guys hand.

"Yeah, thanks," I said, giving him a hug despite the fact he was about a million hours late.

"Just doing my job," he said. Me and Max started to walk off.

"Well, that was interesting," Max said. I don't know if he was referring to being stuck in a lift for hours, or me opening up to him like a moron.

"Yeah," I laughed nervously.

"We should probably go back to the hotel," I said. Max's phone had died about half an hour after we got in the lift.


"Hmm, lift or stairs?" Max asked, smirking at me.

"Stairs, I think," I laughed. We walked up to our floor. 

"I'm so hun-" Max started but was interrupted by a voice down the hall.

"Where the fuck have you been?!"

We saw Josh running towards us. 

"It's a bit of a long story..." I laughed as he rugby tackled me to the ground, hugging me tightly.

"Hope you two haven't been up to anything you shouldn't have!" Josh said, raisong his eyebrows.

"No!" Max and I said in unison. For some reason, a small blush appeared on my cheeks. I let my fringe fall in my face in an attempt to hide it. 

"Come on! The others are getting worried!" he exclaimed, dragging us back to the room. When we got in we were bombarded with a bunch of questions such as 'where have you been?', 'what have you been doing?' and 'did you get us any KFC?'. I think that last one was from Matt.

"So we were stuck in a lift for about..." Max paused to look at his watch "...four hours."

"That must've been boring as fuck! What did you do in there?" Dan asked.

"Um, just talked," Max said.

"About what?" Matt asked. I shot Max a look almost saying 'please don't tell them', even though I trusted him anyway.

"Just random stuff about school," Max said, smiling a little. I mouthed a thank you to him when no-one was looking.

"Um, Max can you help me with something in the kitchen?" Josh asked. Max followed him to the kitchen.


"Okay guys, we're off!" Max shouted as him and I stood up. We were going to get pizzas because neither of us had eaten today.

"Um, Amber..." Max asked as we started to walk out of the hotel.

"Max..." I repeated his tone and smirking.

"Well, Josh saw when you mouthed thank you to me, and he was asking me why you did that," I nodded, trying to get him to emphasize. "And obviously, I didn't tell him what we really talked about, but he seemed to think we might've, um kissed..."

I was wondering where this was going.

"And I don't know why but I couldn't really come up with a better excuse so I just stayed silent and now Josh thinks that we like, made out...."

Shitty chapter- sorry not sorry! a comment/vote would be appreciated! :) 

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