Chapter 22

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Amber's POV

"Max?" I whined, drawing out the a sound. 

"Amber?" Max mimicked me, smirking.

"Can you pass me my bag?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes. "Please?"

"Maybe..." He crossed his arms.

"I'll let you listen to my music?" I tried to bargain with him.

"Deal." He grinned, standing up to the overhead luggage and grabbed my bag. We were currently about halfway through the flight to Chicago, and I was still buzzing.

"Thank you, darling." I joked in a posh voice.

"That's quite alright, my dear." He said back. I laughed.

"So you still can't remember anything from the coma?" He asked as I rooted around in my bag for something edible.

"Nope, still working on that." I laughed, and I swear I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes. I produced a bag of sweets from my bag, and seeing him perk up at the sight made me giggle. I popped one of my earphones into his ear and played some Fall Out Boy. Max and I started to sing along to Sugar We're Going Down, when somebody sitting behind ruined our fun.

"Will you two shut it? You sound like a strangled cat..." Matt moaned.

"That is so offensive, Matthew!" I faked shock, hiding my smile. He grunted and closed his eyes, head sinking back into his travel pillow.

"It's not like Matt to be grumpy." Max frowned.

"Probably just his time of the month," I shrugged, putting another sweet into my mouth. We carried on listening to music for the majority of the flight, before I fell asleep again, seeing more memories of Max and I in my dreams...

"I have something for you." Max said, pulling something out the pocket of his jeans.

"Hmm?" I said, turing around to face him, wondering what he had for me. I saw that the item was a small dark purple box, with a light purple bow wrapped around it. He handed it to me, a grin on his face.

"What's this?" I asked as I pulled off the bow.

"Open it and you'll  see, silly." He shook his head., laughing. I opened the box and gasped when I saw what was inside. There was a silver necklace, with a patterns engraved into it. I opened up the locket, and saw two different pictures of us, one from a while ago, and one from the other week, when we went to the beach. 

"Do you like it?" He asked, brushing a piece of hair from my eyes.

"I love it!" I squealed, throwing my arms around him. "How did you afford this?"

"A gentleman never tells," He said, tapping the side of his nose. I couldn't believe he had done all this for me.

"Here," He said, taking the box from me, "Let me put it on."

I lifted my hair up, so it wouldn't get caught in the locket. He draped it around my neck, and I heard him fasten it with a click. He placed a soft kiss to my bare neck and then lifted up the necklace again. 

"I love you." Max whispered into my ear, his chin resting on my shoulder. I spun around an held his face in my hands, and kissed him passionately, letting his tongue escape into my mouth. He groaned as I pulled away and whispered back to him,

"I love you too."

I woke up to Max smiling at me, his head tilted to one side. I noticed that my hands were clutching the very same necklace, that was hung around my neck

"What were you dreaming about?" He asked, lips twitching into a smile. When he noticed the locket, his jaw fell open.

"I can't believe you kept it after all these years!" He gasped, opening it up to see the same pictures he put in there eight years ago.

"I was dreaming about when you gave it to me, on Valentines day. And all I got you was a box of chocolates," I laughed.

"Oh yeah, I remember!" he exclaimed, grinning madly. I returned the smile and looked out the window, seeing bright sunlight and white fluffy clouds. The pilot then told us to fasten our seat belts, as we were going to be landing soon. 


"Do you wanna bunk here?" Matt asked, pointing to the bunk below his.

"Yeah, sure!" I said, throwing my bags onto the bed. This was all so surreal, I was really going on tour! We stayed unpacking for about 20 minutes before the bus actually started to move. I sat down in the living room area and stared out the window, admiring the view.

"So, when's the first show?" I asked no-one in paticular.

"Tomorrow, I think," Chris' voice came from the other side of the bus. I took a polo out of my pocket and popped in my mouth, humming quietly as someone came to sit opposite me. It was Max.

"Got any more Polos to spare?" He asked, extending his legs so they rested on my lap. I dug around in my pocket for another one and threw it into his mouth. I laughed at how pleased he was with himself.

"Oi! I'm not your personal footrest, you know!" I exclaimed at him, gesturing to his legs.

"Well, you are now," He smirked, "It's not easy being a famous rock star, I need my rest!"

I just laughed at his stupidity and pushed his feet to the ground. I can tell this was going to be a great tour...

don't even tell me how late this is /.\ sorrryyy

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