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It was finally August, after what seemed like a unending July. Too much shit has happened, so I can't stress enough how happy I am to be in a new month with a new mindset.

Silas and I weren't technically back together. We still had some issues to work out, what with Georgina calling every second, practically stalking the poor boy. We couldn't possibly just go on. Well, I could. It's him who didn't want to let her down the hard way.

He suggested we take her to Tom's Ice Cream, like with Max. He must've remembered the outcome, because seconds later, he vetoed it, and apologized for suggesting that solution in the first place. I said we should just do it the way we did with Hazel, and some guilty feelings did graze across my heart, if you will, when I said that. But not so many that I wanted to cry about it. You know, it's amazing how much time apart from someone changes you. San Francisco Hazel would never have done what Boston Hazel did. Maybe it was just that she wanted her best friend back.

"Bea, I should probably do this alone. Because I told her you were my ex, and she knows what you look like, and probably will fight you.", Silas told me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Over you?"

"Hey!", he winced, as if I'd had really hurt him. I giggled.

"Alright, alright, I won't go.", I agreed after a few minutes of him pouting.

"Okay. What about here?", he asked me, nodding at the step we were sitting on.

"Didn't you ask her out on this very stoop? What are you, heartless?", I questioned. I may not be exactly rooting for the girl, but that's no reason to purposely break her heart even more than it had to be.

He raised his hands in surrender. "Fine. Where, then?", he stuffed a handful of red vines into his mouth.

"Ugh, god, close your mouth when you chew,", I said, throwing a hand over his mouth. He laughed at my disgust. "Somewhere calm, and peaceful.! Like the Public Garden." He looked at me sideways, as if contemplating what my head was doing attached to my neck.

"Where best mates become boyfriend and girlfriend and boyfriends and girlfriends become fiancés and fiancées? Where people take long walks, or hold hands and admire the flowers? Where people sit on blankets, with jumpers strewn over their shoulders as they watch the swan boats paddle by? You want me to break up with her there?"

That was the most romantic thing I've ever heard come out of his mouth. Too bad instead of saying it to me, he was practically shouting.

"It was just a suggestion. No need to get your tighty-whites in a bunch.", I shrugged meekly, biting into a vine.

"Well, it wasn't a good one. And I wear boxers, not tighty-whatever's.", he said back.

Then we laughed, and I even let out a snort.

A thought crept around in the back of my mind as we came down from our laughter. I was almost afraid that we were better off as friends.

+ + + + + + + + +

"Oh, hey, sweetie. Could you grab a bag?", my mom asked me and closed the front door behind her.

I'd gone back home so that Silas could have his privacy with Georgina and work out a scenario where he's single again and she's not the person who changes that.

I took a few bags from my mom's hands and placed them on the kitchen counter. She shrugged off her shoes, and began to unpack the groceries. "So what did you do today, besides sleep?", she smirked at me.

"Well, mom I woke up at 3, did a line of cocaine, took a smoke break, TP'd Hansson's house with some friends, and just got back before you came in.", I replied sarcastically.

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