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I haven't left my room in 2 days. It was Monday morning.

I'm sure that he was home, and that he was fine. He probably didn't have bags under his eyes, and his eyes weren't bloodshot red from crying, and his clothes weren't wrinkled, and disgusting. He probably had seen daylight in the past few hours, and he probably had eaten more than a bagel and half a cup of hot chocolate. And most of all, he probably wasn't thinking about me.

It wasn't like yesterday was a blur or anything. I remember everything vividly. It's been running through my mind, nonstop, playing over and over again. And to think, just a few hours prior, I had been worrying about some little kiss that wasn't even my fault.

It was Hazel's.

It was her fault that the most important relationship I'd had in a while, was over.

                                    + + + +

After a long shower, I decided I couldn't avoid eating for much longer. I headed downstairs, and into the kitchen, moving past my mom who was making french toast. She gave me a wide grin, and ruffled my hair. "Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?", she asked. I shrugged. I knew exactly how I felt.

Betrayed, stupid, regretful.

But I didn't want to hear a long explanation about how it wasn't my fault. Truth is, if I never said those words to Hazel, she wouldn't have nearly slept with my boy-


"I'm still a little sick.", I lied, quietly.

"Well, eat up. Adam and I have some news.", she smiled, oblivious to my obvious pain. She handed me a plate, full of happy colors. I pushed it aside.

"I probably should've gone to school today. Graduation is in a couple of weeks. I would've been fine.", I lied again. I didn't want to spend another day with these sickening lovebirds.

"Oh, please. You barely left your bed yesterday, so I knew you wouldn't want to go to school. If anything, you should be thanking me.", she replied, pushing the food back towards me.

I sighed.

"Hey, where's Hazel? I feel like I haven't seen her in a while.", my mother continued.

I let out a tiny, sarcastic scoff.

"And I haven't heard or seen Silas in a while, either, come to think of it. I can never seem to kick him out of here when he's over.", she joked. My eyes watered and I wiped them with my palms. "Can we just not talk about them for a while?", I asked.

She gave me a funny look. "Why? What happened?"

I shook my head. "Nothing. I just don't want to talk about them.", I got up and walked over to the couch.

It was bad enough that she doesn't even like that I had a boyfriend; if I tell her that he almost slept with Hazel, whom she also isn't exactly fond of, she'll go fucking nuts.

I turned on the T.V., and saw that House Hunters was on. I immediately turned it off.

"I'm gonna go to Bellis, okay?", I said, grabbing my house keys, and leaving.

                                      + + +

"Hi, Omar.", I gave a half-hearted wave to the barista.

He smiled empathetically. "I've literally never seen you so down."

"I walked in on Silas and Hazel making out half-naked.", I said, as he handed me a hot chocolate.

The HipstersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz