Forbidden Fruit

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"I love you too.", Silas said back.

"I love you a lot more, actually.", I countered.

"Well, your answer is invalid, because I'm in love with you.", Silas grinned again.

"Are you gonna make me sit here, staring at your lips, or are you gonna kiss me?", I teased, just as he leaned in and kissed me.

We pulled away and grinned at each other, and I readily slipped my hand into his.

"Now that you finally admitted that you love me, you can stop pretending that I don't turn you on."

"Oh, my god, Silas.", I said in laughter. I hit his arm, as he turned on the car, and headed back onto the road.

"Are you hungry?", he asked me, as we passed an exit.

I shrugged. "I think so."

"What, you don't know?", he laughed at me. I just rolled my eyes playfully back at him.

A few minutes later, a thought crossed my mind. "Babe?", I said. He looked at me. "Could I drive?"

"Do you even have a license?", he chuckled.

"Yes, I do. But I don't have a car, so I rarely get to drive.", I admitted.

"Well, regardless, I wanna live.", he joked.

He pulled into a Dunkin Donuts lot, and parked. He turned the ignition off, and looked at me.

"Let's do it."

"What? Here?"

"Where else would we do it?"

"Um, home, maybe?"

"You really want to wait til' then? You lose interest in things pretty quickly.", he reminded me.

"I'll never lose interest, Silas. I promise. I'll always want to do it with you."

"Because I'm actually a wonderful teacher. I taught plenty of people in England."

"Huh. Way to kill the mood, Silas."

"You need to be in a mood to-"

"Yes! Of course you do. Haven't you ever done it before?"

"Obviously, babe."

I folded my arms, and stared straight ahead. "So you know about the mood we need to be in."

"You want the radio? You won't be able to hear me."

"You talk when you do it?"


"Okay. No radio."

I leaned in to kiss him, but he just got out of the car. I was confused. Were we not talking about sex? What was he talking about? He opened my door, and I stepped out.

"Silas? Aren't we talking know.. doing it?", I inquired.

He nodded. "That's what we're about to do."

"No, no. Sex."

He glanced at me. "I was talking about you driving home."

I've never felt more embarrassed in my life. I buried my face in my hands.

"But I'd much rather have sex with you."

"Oh, God. Silas, you're not helping.", I noted, sitting back down on the passenger seat. He crouched in front of me, and took my hand in his.

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