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"Say your name into the phone."

"My name is Silas Benjamin Ingram, and I'm listening to...Tik Tok by Ke$ha, right? That's what it's called...okay, I'm pressing play...it's not bad, actually-ow! What the bloody shit did you hit me for...oh, God, turn it off...Bea, turn it off!"

I laughed at the only voice memo we recorded together. I'd made him listen to what America calls 'music' after he lost a bet, and it's been on my phone since.

"You just gonna be on that phone all morning, or are you gonna come with me to breakfast?"

My mom, folks. "Depends. Where are we going?", I asked. She shrugged, and put on my navy blazer. Wait, I think that's hers.

I probably claimed ownership of it subconsciously, like I do most things in my life.

"I thought we could explore Paris together. You know, shop on Champs Élysées, suddenly become art curators and visit the Louvre, take pictures under the Arc de Triomphe. Get the most of out...well, what will probably be our only vacation. I figured we could stay another couple of days-"

"Wait. What did you just say?", I interrupted.

"I said I thought we could stay for a few more days and really enjoy the city of love. Or is it lights? Whatever. I thought after everything that's happened we could just relax."


"Go to the beach, maybe? Although, that chocolate drizzle cram brûlée last night must have added a couple pounds to my bikini body.", my mom joked and finished her glass of water.

It's not that I didn't want to go to the beach or visit the Arc de Triomphe with my mom, but I was hoping I could've done that with Alex. However, the rehearsal dinner was only two nights ago. For all I know, she could be putting on a façade and then whip out a can of loco when I'm not looking. Or something.

"Oh! I need to call Isaac and Lina and make sure they all got home safe. Did I tell you Lina is working with my office on a project? That's how we met. I see why you like Silas so much.", my mom said.

"Hey, mom? I met this...guy. His name is Alex. No, he's not my boyfriend. We're just friends-"

"You want to spend the day with him.", my mother interrupted.

"Well, no-"

"Yes, you do."


"Could I at least meet him? And make sure you're not going on a date with a drug dealer or something?"

"Yeah, let me just pull him out of my pocket. Alex, this is my mom. Mom, Alex.", I held up a piece of lint.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Get out of here. I'll call you later. Be safe."

+ + + + +

After leaving my mom in her time of need, and accepting that I'm a horrible daughter, I went looking for Alex.

Then I realized something. Well, things.

A) I have not seen Hazel since the rehearsal dinner. If she was staying with Silas and his parents, she'd be out of a home. Suite in this case. I should really find her.

B) This is technically my last week of school.

C) I don't have Alex's number.

It's like, why do I even do these things? This happens every time. It happened with Leo, and now it's happened with Alex. I'm completely out of my existence when I'm with these people, and then, when my mind decides to snap back into action, the only thing I'm supposed to ask for, I don't.

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