Let's Take A F*****g Trip

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Have you ever been to the website Apartment Therapy? Oh my fucking god, it has replaced HGTV.

It's, like, a collection of hipster and modern apartments and homes, and suddenly, I want to decorate my own. I mean, I can move out in a month, seeing as I'm turning 18 in June. And though I have no money, rest assured that when I do, I'm gonna make my apartment/home/ shack look like these ones. I've also been looking at the children's rooms. They have better rooms than I do.

                                 + + + + +

"Are you all packed?", my mother called from her room. She was all over the place, finding shoes and tossing clothes, while Hazel and I enjoyed some ice cream. It was a struggle to get Hazel here. She got 'lost', and I found her at Tom's Ice Cream. Why was I there?

I was in the mood for ice cream.

"Apartment Therapy?", Hazel asked. I nodded. I had told her about it.

"It's just amazing. So amazing, I wanna cry. But not as amazing as this ice cream, holy shit, what the fuck is this?", I asked, digging my spoon back into the small carton.

I made her buy me one as a punishment, but she convinced me to let her order for me.

"It's...Oreo, and M&M's.", Hazel said, digging her spoon into the cup.

"Guys, get your stuff in the car.", my mom suddenly announced, walking into my room. "What the hell...what are you doing? Where's your stuff?"

We picked up our bookbags, and showed her.

"It's a weekend, Ms. Benson.", Hazel said.

"Whatever. Just get it in the car.", she said, walking out.

                                    + + + +

"Is it just me, or is every hipster to ever exist in New York?", Hazel asked.

I laughed. "I think it's just you."

We were walking back to Adam's parents's place before lunch after exploring the neighborhood a little. Partly because I wanted to see some of New York, and partly because Hazel was driving my mom crazy and she was stressed enough as it is.

I can be considerate.

"Is...is that...? I just saw Colin. I just saw Colin. I just saw Colin.", Hazel grabbed my arm.

"What?", I looked at her.

"Wow, really? I said it 3 times.", Hazel laughed.

I looked in her direction, and sure enough, Colin sat on the stoop of the Mercer's home, scrolling through his phone. The count was now 3.

The number of people from California who had now shown up on the east coast, that is.

"Hazel. Is there some kind of convention I don't know about? Because everyone from school is here.", I pointed out.

Hazel smiled, but I don't think it was at what I said. She was smiling at Colin. He'd seen us. He was coming over. Oh, boy.

"Hey, Beatrix. What's up? Hazel, hey. I'd heard you flew to Boston. Guess it was true.", he began.

"Guess it is. Did you follow me here?", Hazel asked back coyly. 

Colin let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, that's the most logical conclusion." He paused before he spoke again. "Can we go somewhere and talk?"

"I'll be inside.", I said, already heading up the steps.

As they started to walk away, I silently hoped that they would get back together, and stay that way, because single Hazel was exhausting.

                                      + +

"There you are. I've been texting you for an hour! Where have you-", Silas didn't get to finish his sentence, because I shut him up with my lips. I've always wanted to do that.

"Oh. I'm not mad anymore.", he smiled, as we pulled away.

I chuckled. "Silas, meet Colin, Hazel's ex..I mean, boyfriend?"

Colin gave him a half-hearted salute. "Hey, nice to meet you."

"Um, yeah, same. Hi, Hazel.", Silas shot a quick look at Hazel.

But she wasn't even paying attention. She was too busy staring up at Colin as if he were food and she hadn't eaten in days.

"Let's go.", I said, opening the building door.

"Hey, my brother lives here.", Colin noted.

+ + +

Silas and Colin decided to wait in the lobby as Hazel and I took the elevator up to Adam's parent's place.

As soon as we stepped in, I immediately regretted it.

"Oh, you guys are back! Come say hi.", my mom gave me fake smile. She pulled me over as I tried to whisper that I didn't want to meet the parents of the guy who had rudely finished my cereal.

"Mom, we're going somewhere.", I whispered.

"What are you talking about? Come meet Adam's parents.", she whispered as she pushed me towards them.

"No, I don't want to, get off - Hi.", I gushed to the woman in the kitchen, as my mom blocked any hope of my getting out of there.

The woman smiled back. Then she frowned. "Your hair...it's so pretty...and so...pink.", she let out a light chuckle.

My mom chuckled as well, which meant that she was nervous.

"Yeah...I just dyed the ends pink, but I might go to teal next.", I lied, in an attempt to be nice.

"Is that so?", she looked at my mom, and before I could say anything else, Hazel grabbed my arm.


As Silas drove around the city in his Mini Cooper, we all hung out. There weren't any serious conversations, and no one was sappy (Hazel and Collin kissed a lot, but I handled that), it was just light talk. And of course, hot chocolate in 83° weather. We're just that fucking cool.

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