Bored Nothings

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"How are you and Silas?", Colin asked, as we walked along the green gates that led to my favorite part of Boston. I took a picture with my trusty Argus, and wiped my forehead.

Apparently Mother Nature was like 'fuck it', and decided to make sure everyone went home a thick layer of sweat on their backs and faces today.

"Pretty much non-existent as this point. He has a girlfriend.", I told him. I couldn't say it without wincing, but I quickly smoothed out my features before he could notice it.

"Are you okay with that?", he asked again.

I shrugged, and then shook my head. "No. I'm not. But I will be. Now, why are you in Boston?"

He kicked a rock with his black Converse and took a deep breath. "I had a really great time with you at the Louvre. And I thought we should do it again."

Don't fucking blush like a tween, Beatrix.

"What do you mean? You wanna fly back over and visit-"

"No, there are museums here in Boston.", he replied sarcastically.

"You really need to stop cutting me off, Colin.", I said.

He chuckled. "Fine. I'm sorry. But you take forever." I glared at him, right before he stuck an arm in front of my stomach and pushed me back onto the sidewalk.

"You like walking into traffic?", he asked, a second later. Cars rushed right past us, as I realized I was about to walk into oncoming traffic. Jesus, I'm worse than Hazel.

"No, not usually.", I replied sarcastically. He smirked at me, then grabbed my hand as we ran across the street. No, it didn't shivers down my spine. Colin was like the know-it-all, assface older brother I never had. And I kind of liked it. Plus, what would be worse than cheating on your boyfriend for your best friend's boyfriend? For the best friend to date the cheater's boyfriend.

Yeah, I know, I'm confused too.

"So, Colin. Let me get this straight. You called me to talk, but you really wanted to go to another museum with me? Honestly, I thought I understood boys, but I'm mistaken.", I noted. He ignored me. At least, that's what I believe, because he didn't answer me.

"How do you know where this museum is? Have you been to this one as well?", I asked him again. Then I noticed he had put his earphones in, between the time we crossed the street and hit the sidewalk.

Well, it was nice while it lasted.

                                     + + +

It wasn't until about 15 minutes later that he finally took out his earphones. Only for me to find out it was because his phone died and not in fact because he missed the scintillating conversation I offered him.

I decided not to talk to him, since he thought it was appropriate to drag me along on his journey to the MFA (I looked up the closest museum to us), and completely ignore me. He took one glance at me, then spoke. "I know the way there because I memorized it."

"What?", I asked, caught off guard.

"I said, I know the way to the MFA because I memorized the directions. I looked at the directions right before you came down, and I had it memorized.", he explained.

"So, you have an eidetic memory? What are you, Cam Jensen?", I asked.

He laughed, then suddenly stopped. "No, I'm not Cam Jensen, but nice try."

We continued in silence, dodging in and out of cars as we crossed another street. We were technically jaywalking, and Colin even once gave one of the drivers the finger. Go, Colin. I will be the first to say he's a little loco in the head, but it'd be like the pot calling the kettle black.

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