Worry About You

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Have you ever had that pain in your neck, after waking up in an uncomfortable position? Yeah, well, I didn't wake up in an uncomfortable position, but it still hurt.

I grabbed my phone, and checked my messages. None. No calls either. Where could've Hazel possibly gone? She sleeps here, and she never goes out.

I walked to the kitchen and texted Silas. After he didn't reply for a few minutes, I filled my mug with my mothers leftover dark roast coffee, and took a sip. I immediately spat it out, and poured the rest of the mug's contents into the sink.

"Good morning.", Adam said behind me. I shot him a quick nod.

"Did you sleep well?", he asked, nodding towards the couch.

I chuckled. "Apparently, not. Did you see Hazel in the apartment last night? Or even early this morning?", I asked.

He shook his head. "I came here last night.", he said. I nodded and sighed, and went upstairs to take a shower.

                                     + + + + + +

I decided to show up, unexpectedly, at Silas's place.

Genius, I know.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to get it. A middle-aged man with a neat, gray beard answered. "Hello.", he smiled, his accent thicker than Silas's.

"Oh, hi. I'm Beatrix-"

"Oh, Silas's...what...girlfriend?", he finished. I nodded, my cheeks turning red. I was meeting Silas's father, alone, and he was half-dressed. Oh, the joys of being in love.

"Well, come in, come in. Do you want some coffee? Green tea?", he asked, shuffling into the kitchen. The apartment looked bigger than you'd imagine. Better views than my place.

"No, thank you. Well, actually, coffee would be nice. But I had 3 cups of hot chocolate this morning, and I don't need anymore caffeine. What the hell, I'll take a green tea.", I rambled. I guess I was nervous.

Mr. Ingram smiled, the corners of his bright, blue eyes crinkling. "Okay. No caffeine.", he promised.

"So, is Silas asleep?", I asked him, sitting on the bar stool. I pulled a banana out of a basket, and peeled it back.

"He and a friend went to tour university campuses early this morning. I suspect they'll be back in the evening.", he said.

I nodded. Why didn't he tell me? Maybe Silas had friends I didn't know about. Mr. Ingram handed me a mug, and I almost immediately drank half the contents.

"Thirsty?", he joked.

I smiled, a little mortified, and finished the drink. "Anxious, really. My best friend...we had an argument last night, and I've tried to reach her, but she won't answer her phone. She came here from California, so she has nowhere to go, and I'm praying she isn't sleeping in the Public Garden right now. She's a bit...out there.", I explained.

"Ah. Well, we all have that one mate who's a bit mental.", Mr. Ingram rubbed his beard.

"She once randomly kissed a homeless guy."

"Oh." He noticed that the mug was empty and put it in the sink.

"Oh, please, let me.", I said, grabbing the sponge, and soaping the cup.

"What places does she know around here?", he asked.

"Um, Tom's Ice Cream. Starbucks.  Everywhere with food, really. Wait, that's me. Oh, Bellis!", I remembered. I placed the cup on the rack, dried my hands, and smiled at Silas's dad.

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