Handshakes in Thought

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As we picked up Colin and his parents today (his was able to make up the final and come over with them), I witnessed something that I hadn't seen in a while.

My mother, who wasn't afraid of anything or anyone, was shaking in her boots (she was wearing boots today) when Mr. and Mrs. Mercer rolled their suitcases towards us.

She made me call them that from now on. I wonder, are they my step-grandparents now or something?

Not a smile in sight. Hmm. For someone who's supposed to be a therapist, why does Mrs. Mercer always look so uninviting?

Colin's gaze met mine, and I offered him a slight smile. He nodded back.

"Hi! How was the flight?", my mom asked them, smiling nervously.

"It was fine. I would've preferred business, but anything to save money for the wedding.", Mrs. Mercer replied, and tightened her grip on her purse.

Adam winced, just before he hugged his father. "Hey, dad. Dentistry treating you well?"

Mr. Mercer nodded, and slapped Adam's back. "Well, not the teeth, but the money.", he let out a hearty laugh. Adam tousled Colin's hair as we walked outside.

Before I could say anything, Mrs. Mercer grabbed my mom's arm in horror. "Where's the town car?", she asked.

My mom's eyes widened. She looked at Adam, clearly silently begging him for help. "We're taking a taxi. They're essentially the same, except you won't spend an arm and a leg to get somewhere.", I said instead. She gave me that same look she did that weekend in New York.

"A taxi?", she repeated for clarification.

So, my mom is marrying into an wealthy, pretentious family, whose 18 year old son will become my new uncle. Who also happens to be the scorned ex of my ex-best friend.

What's the drinking age in Paris?

+ + + +

We arrived at the Mac Mahon 20 minutes later. It had only been a single car ride, but I was pretty sure that I was not the only one who was sick of Adam's parents by now.

I had learned that they sponsored these twin monkeys, Jac and Jil. They send money to feed them, bathe them, and dress them in clothing. Don't fucking ask. They're vegans certain days of the week, and at one point considered naming Adam 'Delaware', just to compete with their next door neighbors who had named their son 'Maine'.

My mom looked just as freaked out as I felt. Colin had been texting someone the entire time, probably a new girlfriend. Adam just looked out the window, and cleared his throat, but that was it. And I'm sure you could imagine just how squished we were, in the back of that taxi. It was like the plane ride all over again. I was next to people I didn't like.

Well, actually, my mom had offered to sit in Adam's lap, and they shared some kind of innapropriate joke about it, making his parents uncomfortable, and then decided to just shut up. I had thrown up in my mouth and died laughing at the same time.

We filed out of the car, said our 'merci beaucoups' to the driver, and headed into the hotel lobby. Mr. Mercer walked up to the receptionist's desk, and gave a quick smile. "I have a reservation for Mercer. Three guests.", he said. The woman smiled at him, and printed out his check-in details, pressing the room key against the sheet. Mr. Mercer barely mumbled a 'thank you', and gestured for his wife and son to meet him in the elevator.

"Well, I'm going to get a facial and some lunch before the rehearsal tonight. I'm excited for the big day tomorrow.", Mrs. Mercer said, and walked off. None of it came off as sincere.

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