The Fat Lady Doesn't Sing But Hazel Does

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Since it was nearing the end of senior year, and I still didn't have my shit together, I was beginning to go to school a lot more.

Hazel didn't think it was necessary, but then again, Hazel wasn't the person you wanted to go to for life advice.

Silas had returned to his family's apartment this morning, so it was Hazel, Adam, and I. "When was the last time you attended school?", Adam asked Hazel.

She shrugged. "I came to Boston, about a month ago. But I wasn't really going before that. So, I'd say... April.", Hazel concluded.

Adam scoffed. "April? But you're a senior; it's supposed to be one of the best years of your life.", he pointed out.

Then it dawned on me: I'm a senior. And so is Silas. We're both going to college (maybe), and we'll most likely might be split up.

I hadn't pieced that together until just now.

Maybe Silas had, and he was waiting for you to say something. Maybe he was thinking about ending this before college.

All this made my stomach grumble. "I'm going to McDonald's.", I said, in the midst of their conversation. Adam shot me a smile and turned back to Hazel.

+ + + + +

If I went to a college far away from Boston, would Silas be willing to try long distance with me, or would he decide a pretty new relationship like ours wasn't worth the trouble, and break up with me?

I ended up going to Dunkin Donuts. Line was too long at McDonalds.

"Is this seat taken?", someone asked, sitting across from me at my table. I looked up and saw Joey.

"Hey.", he smiled.

I stared. "Joey, what do you want? And why are you here? You live in Cambridge.", I said.

He clapped his hands mockingly. "You remembered."


"My family and I are looking at colleges, and I just ordered and saw you sitting here. I'm not stalking you. Relax.", he said.

"Joey, I still don't know what you want.", I reminded him.

"We should be friends.", he said.

I laughed. "Friends? You came to my door, proceeded to kiss me, get sensitive, and then you left to fuck your neighbor. I think that ship has sailed.", I said.

"As I recall, you told me that you didn't want to get back together. How was I supposed to feel?", he pointed out.

"Well, not like fucking your neighbor."

I finished my iced coffee, threw it out, and left. I don't even know why I stayed to argue with him; now I felt even more uneasy. I don't know how the fuck I put up with that asshole for as long as I did. At least I didn't curse him out. Look at that, I'm maturing.

                                    + + + +

"I think it's over between Colin and I."

"Don't be ridiculous, Hazel, you guys just got back together. ", I waved her off, looking through my camera film. A couple of bad pictures of me in the morning stared back at me. I was going to send them to Silas, to see how he would react.

"His brother is getting married to your mom. He'll be your step-uncle or whatever, and if we get married, I'll be your step aunt. I can't do that to you. You'll be the odd one out, you'll be the only child.", Hazel said.

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