Young Folks.

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That's exactly how I feel right now, on the plane, with Silas and Hazel just seats away from me.

Thank god I'm in the window seat, though. I couldn't handle Silas trying to talk to me. It would make everything worse, and frankly, I'm trying to enjoy this trip. Well, as much as I can, without thinking,

"My mom is about to marry a 31-year-old. She's 39."

"I'm about become the niece of my ex-best friend's boyfriend."

"My ex, and ex-best friend are 3 seats away from me."

"My life is in shambles, but I still managed to wake up today."

"This french toast is tasteless."

I guess it helps that Silas's mother and father are here, since my Adam and my mom befriended them, and I won't have to worry about constantly being surrounded by people I don't like. However, my mom still insisted we take Hazel with us, because she'd have no place to stay. In any case, Hazel is looking more crossed and bored than I have ever seen her. Which is good, because she's not supposed to be having fun when she has just ruined someone's life.

She also is wearing my Radiohead shirt that I never got around to washing. How did she get it? I don't remember giving it to her. Maybe that's one other thing she stole. Girl has a habit.

I turned back my laptop, Apartment Therapy and all it's glory staring back at me on the screen.

Then my computer died.

"Fuck!", I exclaim, searching for the charger. Realizing that I'm on a plane, and not in my bed, I accept the glances from the moms and old folks. My mom turned to me, and gave me one of those, 'Don't fuck up my trip', smiles.

"Everything alright?", she asked. I gave her a reassuring smile, and turn back to the computer.

What now? I stared out the window, and sighed. Suddenly, something hit my cheek. It's a piece of paper. What are the odds?
I open it, and immediately recognize the handwriting.


It's Hazel. I crumple that shit up and toss it into the pocket of the seat in front of me. Hey? Really? Is she an idiot? She thinks that this is just some little slip-up and that it will all just blow over. That we'll go back to being best friends, and everything will be fine. Silas and I will get back together, and get married, and have kids and shit, and she'll be the perfect maid of honor. If I ever get her to wear a dress. And we'll all live happily ever after.

Another note hits my face, and I already know it's Hazel. Her aim is atrocious.

answer me. are you ignoring me?


+ + + + + +

"Beatrix, make sure you've got your suitcase, because we're going straight to the hotel.", my mom said, as we stood by the baggage claim area. I snuck a quick glance at Silas. He was in this navy striped sweater and a pair of light wash jeans, and some TOMS. I quickly looked away, before my heart did that thing it had a habit of doing lately.

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