Chapter 33

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"Fine," Lizlee began while looking me in the eye. "I-can't do this." She looked away. I took that chance knowing she did have feelings for me and just kissed her. She was surprised but then gained some sense. She pushed me away and glared at me.

"Aiden just broke up with me so you take this as a chance to kiss me?! Are you crazy?! You're going out with Angela anyways!" She accused. I flinched as I totally forgot that Angela and I were 'dating'.

Damn her and her stupid revenge plots. How in the world did I ever get involved in any of this? I hate drama. Fuck my life.

"Get out." I ordered politely. She stared at me shocked and angrily.

"What? Fine I don't ever wanna talk to you again. We may live under the same roof but that doesn't mean I have to like it." She warned and then left off. She had taken off her glasses since they were smudged of tears.

Once she left I grabbed my jacket and left the dorm. Mikayla, Carson, and Jason watched me like a hawk as I walked by. They had clearly heard the whole argument.

I ended up walking to Angela's dorm and knocked.

"What do you want?" She asked exasperated as she leaned on the door.

"I want nothing to do with you! Okay, we're done 'dating' and I'm done helping you understood?!" I threatened. She just shrugged which made me even more angry.

"That's it?! All this time you blackmailed me and once I don't wanna do it anymore you just shrug?!" I fumed. She shrugged once more.

"Fine. Whatever." I told her blandly and then walked away.

"This isn't gonna stop me from telling them his secrets and yours." She warned but I ignored her. I just wanted to get away from her. I ended up roaming the school once again and found myself in the music room.

It was even bigger than the choir room and had many more instruments. I ended up grabbing an acoustic guitar and sitting down on one of the chairs. I leaned in on it and just started picking on the guitar strings.

I didn't even realize but I started picking the rhythm and beat of the song of Stay Away by Secondhand Serenade. I eventually started singing to it.

Something isn't right,

I'm losing faith in everything I know,

what do I know?

You told me I should fight,

not be self destructive thinking I should go,

what do i know?

Stay away from me!

I need you too badly,

and it's tearing me apart!

Won't you stay a part of me?

I felt like I was living these lyrics. That's exactly what I felt. I was alone and just sang as loud as I could. I finished singing the song memorizing the lyrics from the top of my head and then realized Mikayla was standing on the piano stool watching me.

"How did you find me?" I asked her not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"You sing pretty loud if you noticed." She pointed out.

"What do you want?" I growled looking at the fine piano.

"Nothing. Just seeing how you're doing." She replied.

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