Chapter 18

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"Happy Thanksgiving!" Gabe yelled into my ear making me fall off the couch.

"Dude I'm gonna smack you if you do that one more time." I warned.

"Fine then be the grumpy, pathetic loser on Thanksgiving." He retorted and then walked away.

"Ugh now my morning is ruined." I mumbled. I got up and then folded the blankets I used to sleep with. After I took them to the supply closet and then headed to the kitchen where everyone was at.

"Morning." I said still rubbing my eyes to take the sleep away.

"Morning!" They all yelled in unison.

"Honey go to the store with Gabe and go buy some more gravy." My mom ordered. She was helping my aunt make the Thanksgiving meal for later. A lot of my cousins and family were coming over so we needed a lot. I groaned but then went to the restroom to take a shower. Then I changed into my clothes and headed downstairs to tell Gabe I'm ready.


 Everyone was finally here and we were all sitting in the table saying grace. We were all saying what we were thankful for and finally it was time to eat. I was starving! Seeing all that food and not allowed to eat it made a guy starve.

Gabe and I were the first ones to attack the mashed potatoes. We just dipped our spoons in there and ate it up. My mom had to pull it away from us so we could leave some for everyone else. Then my aunt cut the turkey and ham. I don't like ham so I just got turkey.

"Biscuits!" Gabe and I yelled in unison. Man maybe we are alike in many ways. Rikki passed us the biscuits next and we each took 3 since our moms were giving us the death stare.

"Men." I heard my other aunt that came to visit us mumble. I grinned at her and then went back to eating.

"True pigs there. No wonder he doesn't want to eat ham it probably was his father." My cousin, Ilene who was Rikki's age commented.

"Hey that's an insult to pigs everywhere! And my father." I noted. Then I calmed myself down noticing everyone was staring at us.

Still my Thanksgiving was great. Gabe isn't the same guy he used to be 3 years ago. Now he's more fun, still a jerk, but more mature and we spent the rest of the day hanging out.


"Carson say your grace first!" My mother scolded as I was about to serve myself some corn.

"Sorry." I mumbled and then we said our grace.

"Now can I eat?" I asked my mother. She nodded and then we all ate. It was a small family reunion. My aunt and uncle came with their children. They had two kids. One who was 6 and the other one who was 10. My grandparents also came from both my mom and dad's side so it left me as the only teenager.

Let me tell you it wasn't fun. Especially since Valerie kept coming over everyday! Whenever she would see me she would plant me a kiss on the lips and then hold my hand. I would try to run away from her but that girl has a tight grip.

Man how I dislike clingy girls. This girl couldn't get a clue. She was clueless! She didn't understand what no meant! I tried letting her down gently 3 times but nothing. Then the 4th time I snapped and yelled at her saying there was nothing going on but still nothing! It was all my mother's fault. If she hadn't told her I was coming for the week then I could of had a peaceful vacation.

Whenever I would see Valerie I would think of Mikayla and how she would straight up tell her if she was here. That was the only thing that kept me from fully exploding. Mikayla wouldn't need anyone to tell her what to do and she wouldn't take crap from anyone. I smiled at the memory.

"Come on let's go take a walk by the pond behind your house." Valerie suggested dragging me towards the pond.

"Look Valerie. I already told you 4 times! There is nothing going on between us and there never will be! I don't even like you! Don't you have another guy to go chase and boss around?!" I fumed. She looked at me for a long time and then I can see tears start falling down. Great what have I done? Then she ran away crying. What a great influence Mikayla is. I was using sarcasm in case you didn't notice.

"Valerie! I'm sorry!" I ran after her but it was no use. Not the Thanksgiving I imagined.


"Lizlee can you check to see if the turkey is finished?" My mom asked Lizlee.

"Are you kidding me?! Don't you remember that I was the one who almost burned down the house by trying to make a cup of damn noodles when I was seven?! Do you want that to happen again?" Lizlee implied. Oh I remember that! Yeah you can't trust Lizlee in the kitchen.

"Ugh I'll go check on it." I offered and went to the oven.

"I think it's finished!" I told my mom.

"Why are you yelling? I'm 2 feet away from you." My mom retorted.

"Hey don't ruin my moment!" I responded.

"Too late!" She replied and then pushed me away on purpose.

"You are on bad mother did you know that?" I implied.

"Yes actually I did. When I was a kid all I dreamed of doing was make my kid's life miserable." She commented.

"Well dream achieved." I snorted.

"Love you too!" She rolled her eyes. I swear sometimes it feels as if my dad was the only adult here. Cause I know I'm not! The doorbell rang and Denise went to go open the door. I was dressed nicely and Lizlee had a dress on. Our family was just barely coming.

We greeted them and led them to the table. While my mom was finishing the final touches on the turkey Lizlee and I were making small talk with our family members. Dad was still at work but he was gonna be in a few minutes.

After 5 minutes of more talking my dad finally arrived so we all sat down. We all said our grace and what we were thankful for. Our traditional Thanksgiving. Lizlee was scowling and I was wonder why. Denise, who was sitting next to her, was smirking along with my other cousins from my dad's side of the family.

Meanwhile I was just sitting there finishing my food while everyone else talked except Lizlee. Mostly the people that came were from my dad's side so my cousin's from his side seemed to hate Lizlee since they weren't related. She always hated it when they would come because they would always pick on her when she was alone.


"Wait what's your dad's last name?" I asked Aiden. It was the next day and we were continuing our adventures as spies. We were walking towards his dad's office since his dad was at a meeting right now. The secretary in the front desk was asleep with a Snicker bar in her hand. Well she had issues.

It was Thanksgiving but I wasn't gonna be the one to remind Aiden and make things awkward afterwards.

"Parker." He answered.

"Isn't your Wallace?" I asked.

"Yeah but I kept my mom's last name that's why. I didn't want my dad's." He explained. I was about to ask why but then thought maybe it was personal.

"Anyways so you're sure your dad isn't gonna be here anytime soon?" I whispered to Aiden as he reached fort he key behind the secretary. He seriously needs to rethink of getting a new staff.

"Yes. He usually stays in the meetings for hours." Aiden answered and then he put the key in the door and opened it. Once it opened we rushed in and then closed the door behind us.

"You look over there and I'll look throught the record room." Aiden ordered. Then I went to the prinicpal's desk and started looking through the files.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I would write more but I have to go to my aunt's house. Bye!

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