Chapter 46

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This chapter is waaaaaay over due. Believe me I know. But school is in session and its my number one priority right now. I wish I had more time to write. I really do miss uploading and reading your feedback.

I've tried to make this chapter a little longer than usual because of how long you've all had to suffer. At least I hope it's long (the chapter not your suffering lol- if there was any suffering). I'm going to be honest, this chapter took a long time to write. It's not exactly where I had wanted it to be, but it's close enough. So I hope all of you like it.

I hope all of you are doing well. Have a lovely day or night and I'll upload as soon as I can. Love you all so much!




I closed my eyes and then opened them at Chase. He smiled widely, drool dripping from his mouth. He held my fingers in his small hands as I repeatedly did this.

I then got bored with doing that and put my lips to his stomach, blowing and making a funny sound. He always giggled when I did this and I couldn't stop hearing his little giggle.

Chase just started giggling and it was literally the best thing ever. The first time it happened Dylan was playing with him on the floor. The grin on Dyl's face was priceless. I'd give anything to see that grin right now.

It's been almost four months since he was born and he's so big. I can't believe how fast time has gone. It seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital. Now my baby is almost half a year old.

"Jonas." I looked up to see Scott chasing the now two year old around.

The kid was laughing while running around naked. That child is so full of energy and its exhausting.

"Come here, Jonas." I called. I picked Chase up and put him in his play chair. Those ones with the chair in the middle and it has toys to play with around it. I'm not sure what its called anymore. I haven't had a proper nights sleep in weeks and I think I'm going crazy.

I smiled and held my arms out to Jonas. He ran into them and snuggled close. After putting my arms under his bottom I stood up. Scott rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed by how Jonas will listen to me. Not always, but sometimes.

"Terrible twos." Jonas stuck his tongue out and spit flew everywhere. I closed my eyes and Scott laughed at me.

I missed the days when Jonas was a baby.

"Lets go get a bath." Jonas nodded and laughed.

With a two year old and a four month child around the house it's definitely tiring. Jonas is mostly running around the house and leaving toys everywhere. Chase is much calmer, but that's only because he doesn't know how to walk yet.

After giving Jonas his bath, I put his favorite towel around him and picked him up. He stomped around and tried to take his towel off.

"Jonas, please don't do that. It's time for night night. Okay little man?"

"No bed." He said. Jonas began kicking and screaming. I closed my eyes and kept walking to his room.

"Pajama time." I tried to say cheerfully.

"No!" He yelled in my ear.

Scott ran up the stairs and took him from my arms.

"I'll take care of him." I nodded and went back down to the living room.

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