Chapter 30: We Love You Jaxson

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London P.O.V

It's been a week since Jaxson's death and tomorrow is his funeral. I don't think I have the courage to go. Everyday I cried and I should really stop. It's not good or healthy for the baby. But if I still love my cousin, which I'll do then I'll go to the funeral.

It was currently 1:10 in the afternoon and Jace was hanging out with the guys to get his mind off of Jaxson's death. Believe it or not but it affected Jace to. Jace has been waking up in the middle of the night,  he's been burning most of the food he cooks for us for dinner. Also he hasn't been able to go to work either.

And I'm really worried about him, I guess he needed a day out with the guys to get his mind off Jaxson's death. I was in the living room watching Faking It when I heard the front door open. Jace came in and sat beside me. "How was it with the guys?" I asked and he just shrugged.

"It was okay I guess." he answered with a monotone. I sighed and I grabbed his face with my hands and made him look into my eyes.

"Jace please it's been over a week you have to snap out of it. Jace I know he's gone but he's in a better place." I said and he just starred at me. He just starred at me with a blank expression and I just lost I cried and I ran up stairs. I cured up into a ball and cried into my pillow. I didn't care that I was soaking it, I  just wan the old Jace back. The one that was always so happy and the one that would make me laugh if I was sad or upset. The one who would make me feel better without even when I don't tell him to.

A few minutes later I felt the bed dip and Jace wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry London. I haven't really been myself lately and I'm so terribly sorry. I love you and I hope you can forgive me." he said in a sincere voice. I face him and saw a tear run down his cheek. I wiped it away and kissed his cheek.

"It's okay, I know Jaxson's death is really hitting you hard." I said and he nodded.

"You don't have to go to his funeral tomorrow, I'll go for you?" I offered but he shook his head no.

"It's okay I'll go." He sighed." I guess I have to accept the fact that he's really gone."

"You look tired maybe you should go to bed. I want you and my little princess feeling better and happy." Jace said and I smiled. He smiled to and that was the first real smiled I saw this whole week. He kissed my cheek and pulled me into him. I closed my eyes and fell into a quiet slumber.

Jace P.O.V

When I woke I saw London was still sleeping. I slowly removed my arm from around her waist and got out of bed. I walked downstairs and looked at the stove's clock, it was 5:10. Wow I've been sleep for 4 hours. That's the best sleep I've had all week and lately I haven't been really getting any good sleep.

I've also been stressing London out by not being my usual self and it's making her and my little growing princess suffer. I looked in to the fridge and got out a gallon of milk. I poured it into a glass and warms it up. Warm milk always helped me go back to sleep. When it was done heating up and took a big gulp and instantly relaxed.

I drunk the rest of it and put the glass in the sink. I was about to go back upstairs when I saw London coming down the stairs still slightly sleep."Jace what are you doing up?" She asked.

"Just getting a drink that's all," I said. She came towards me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Jace I'm worried about you." She said sadly and I frowned.

"Well don't be. I know I've been off lately and I'm trying to get over it. I don't want to stressing or worrying about me." I said and kissed her forehead.

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