Chapter 9: Yes. I Promise

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London's P.O.V

"OW Jayden," I say.

"What, does it hurt?" He says.

"Yes it hurts. Its too big and too deep." I whine.

"Well I'll try and be gentle," he sighs.

"But it hurts. Make it stop," I yell.

"Ok I can't make it stop if you relax, ok?" He says in a soft voice

Ok for all you dirty minded people out there, it isn't what it sounds like. Jayden came over and he was tickling me. He was tickling me so bad that I hit my glass lamp and it fell on the floor and broke. But when I was picking it up a piece got stuck in my finger.

After my screaming, he finally got it out and wrapped a band aid around my finger. Then he picked up the glass and put it in the trash.

Lately I've been stressing. Paris has been out of school because of the incident. She says her body still hurts. Mom has been by her side ever since they came back and dad has been getting along with Hayden a lot. And speaking of Hayden he's been taking care of Paris by making sure she doesn't have any more nightmares at night.

She has them a lot after what happened. But when Hayden came, he's been helping her by telling her to dream about happy things. She gets them every now and then, but she hasn't been having them lately.

Also I've been spending a lot of time with Jayden. He's been taking me out on a few dates which I have fun on. I haven't seen much of Jace but at school.

"So what do you wanna do know?" Jayden asked.

"I dunno," I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Ok how about we go to my house?" He suggested.

"But I've never been to your house," I said.

"Which is why I'm taking you so get ready. I'll be downstairs in the car." He got up and closed my door behind him.

I looked in the mirror and I looked okay but not good enough. So I quickly took off my leggings and t-shirt and put on my yellow sundress. Then I took my hair out of the messy bun. I then put on my black flats and did my make up. I looked in the mirror one last time and grabbed my phone. I went to Paris' and saw mom sitting on her bed with her.

"Mom I'm going with Jayden I'll see you later."

"Its ok just be carefully." She said.

"Ok." I closed the door and walked downstairs and walked out the door into Jayden's car. He started it and we drove way. It was pretty quiet in the car so Jayden turned on the radio. I kept going through songs until I came across one I liked.

Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight.
Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight.
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be.
Than here in my room dreaming about you and me.

"You know this song?" Jayden asked.

"Yea. This is my favorite song." I said.

"Oh who is it by?"

"Selena Quintanilla. She's a Mexican-American singer." I said simply.

"Oh that's cool," he said and then car stopped. We got out and I followed him inside. His house was light and comfy. The walls were painted a gold color while the furniture was a creme color. He grabbed my hand and I followed him upstairs to his room.

His room also looked comfy. His walls were grey and red. And his furniture were black. I sat on his bed and instantly felt relaxed. His bed felt like a cloud.

"London can I ask you a very serious question?" He said.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well I'm kinda nervous but here I go" he takes a deep breathe and looks deep in my eyes " London will you be my girlfriend?"

"Really you want me to be your girlfriend?" I ask.

"Yes London. I really like you." He said.

"Then yes," I said.

"Yes?" He said happily.

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend Jayden." I said and he hugged me. Then he stopped when there was a knock at the door. Jayden opened it and there was a lady standing at the door.

"Hey Jayden. You must be London, I'm Samantha Jayden's mother." She said and held out her hand.

"Yes I'm London and it's a pleasure to meet you. " I said shaking it.

"Jayden your father won't be home until tomorrow. And he said don't do anything wild. I'll leave you two alone it was nice meeting you London." She said smiling. She waved at me and I waved back.

"Your mom seems nice," I said.

"Yea she is." He said." Oh and I want you to have something." He went to his dresser and took out a purple square box and handed it to me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Its a promise ring. I promise to always be with you and protect you for as long as I live," he said and took the top off the box. He took out the ring and grabbed my hand then put the ring on my finger.

I felt the tears run down my cheeks and I instantly wiped them away and hugged him tight. "Thanks Jayden its beautiful. I love it."

"I'm glad you do. Know can you promise me something?" He asked.

"Yes anything of course."

"Promise we'll always be there for each other. No matter how mad you are at me we'll always be together." He said with lust filled eyes.

"Yes. I promise." He hugged me back and pulled me into his lap. He leaned in and before I knew it his lips touched mine. His lips were so soft and plumped. His kisses were lust full and gentle.

He pulled away and he sat me on his bed. He grabbed his lap top and put it between us. He turned off the light and closed the blinds to make the room darker. Even though it was dark I could still see his bright blue eyes sparkling with lust.

He turned a on the movie and the screen read Endless Love. As the movie started I cuddled under Jayden's arms and smiled and pulled me closer. By the end of the movie it was dark and I was so tired I didn't want to move. So I texted my mom and told I was staying over Jayden's house and she said okay.

Jayden turned off his lap top and set it on his dresser. He took off his shirt and got in bed and covered us up. Now I'm glad its dark so he won't catch me drooling over his perfect 6 pack.

He pulled me close and I laid my head on his chest hearing his heart beat. He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes. And he whispered" I promise."

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